‘White nationalists’ haunt America while real racists open fire, kill people – IOTW Report

‘White nationalists’ haunt America while real racists open fire, kill people

WaTimes: Charlottesville was nearly five years ago

Top Democrats claim that nothing in America is more dangerous than white racism.

As President Biden said on October 21, “According to the United States intelligence community, domestic terrorism from white supremacists is the most lethal terrorist threat in the homeland.”

“In the FBI’s view,” Attorney General Merrick Garland said June 15, “the top domestic violent-extremist threat comes from … those who advocate for the superiority of the white race.”

House Armed Service Committee member Jackie Speier, California Democrat, complained that the federal government insufficiently screens “servicemembers and other individuals with sensitive roles for white-supremacist and violent extremist ties.”

So, where is all the damage from this white-nationalist army? Where are the wounds of those they have maimed and the cadavers of those they have killed?

“Charlottesville!” Mr. Biden and the Democrat left shout in uniso

Yes, James Alex Fields Jr. weaponized his car and murdered protester Heather Heyer during Charlottesville, Virginia’s race riots in August 2017 — nearly five years ago.

Anybody else?

The sound you hear is grass growing. more

17 Comments on ‘White nationalists’ haunt America while real racists open fire, kill people

  1. Remember: Poland was a billed as a threat (through the propaganda organs) to BOTH National Socialist Germany and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics!

    And if that really is “the FBI’s view” then the FBI are a bunch of fucking retards.

    We’re living in interesting times where the sick fever dreams of traitorous retards guide our public policies.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. ““O Black Jesus, please kill all the whiteys,” Mr. James wrote on Facebook.”

    …right out of James Cone’s Black Liberation Theology, which holds that you should kill Jesus Himself if he’s not Black enough…

    “If God is not for us, if God is not against white racists, then God is a murderer, and we had better kill God. The task of black theology is to kill gods that do not belong to the black community”
    -James H. Cone, “A Black Theology of Liberation”

    …you think you can reason with someone who would undertake to kill the Lord God Himself for not being Black enough? Do you think this person will leave a White person alone, if he would make war on Heaven Itself over race?

    …good luck with that…


  3. Funny isn’t it that these racist black guys are always ranting about how bad the US is and talking about all blacks uniting in Africa but none of them ever moves there.

    Tools of the devil

  4. I’m sixty five years old always lived in rural America and never ever have I known a white supremacists. And I think if there are so many of them I would have come across at least one.

  5. I work with Africans.

    A LOT of Africans.

    Africans from all over Africa (except Somalia – THAT bunch is apparently pretty lazy, this is a WORKplace, after all).

    They mostly come from places ruled by other Black people. They know the joys of being ruled in Africa by Africans in a monochromatic society free of hated White people. They have lived the Wakandan dream to the fullest extent possible outside of a movie set. They KNOW what Black Rule REALLY is.

    That’s why they’re HERE.

    Just sayin’.

  6. @Take obozo with you back to kenya April 20, 2022 at 12:02 pm

    > Crackah that I am, I have not ever shot any person.

    And look where Americans are. Coincidence?

  7. Joe Biden the Bum can’t deny his history with the kaykaykay and his/their promoting of segregation, intimidation, race murders, race-hating, and discrimination. So much so that he eulogizes the fiends’ funerals and refers to them as his “friends” and “mentors”. The same is true for the rejected wife Hillary Clinton and her evil family. Biden the Bum is the epitome of racism though tries to hide it with bogus and false speeches against it. An additional fact is that Biden’s urging of the suspect vaxx is to have all minorities killed off while the rest of the population who are harmed or killed by the stuff is deemed as “collateral damage” by him and his human-killing collaborators.

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