Carr: Cult of the Mask ripped away, hallelujah! – IOTW Report

Carr: Cult of the Mask ripped away, hallelujah!

Howie Carr: At least in public transportation, the mask madness appears to be ending, and boy are the Democrats mad.

It’s been a long time since Democrats have been this angry — maybe since Lincoln freed their slaves, or perhaps since they had to close the internment camps where their hero FDR had put all the Japanese Americans during World War II.

Why do Democrats love masks so much? Always have, since they founded the Ku Klux Klan, all the way to the present, with Sen. Robert Byrd and even more recently Gov. Ralph Northam.

In her decision, the “Trump judge” mentioned how under the Democrats’ police-state lockdowns some separate-but-equal classes of Americans have been “forcibly removed from their airplane seats, denied boarding at the bus stop, and turned away at the train station door.”

Sounds like the Jim Crow South — another all-Democrat production. In the blue states they’ve sometimes used cops to drag unmasked or unvaxxed citizens out of public venues — five-on-one is Democrat fun.

The judge forgot to mention standing in the school house door. There’s been a lot of that going on too. The teachers’ unions were all in on those school shutdowns. And it wasn’t just Ole Miss or Central High School in Little Rock the Democrats were padlocking this time.

But beyond nostalgia for their glory days, there’s another reason Democrats are so fond of masks. They come in handy during their “mostly peaceful” arson-and-looting sprees. more

8 Comments on Carr: Cult of the Mask ripped away, hallelujah!

  1. My youngest Manderin was in the car with my parents when my youngest Manderin saw someone wearing a mask outside and matter of factly said, “They must be a Biden voter.”


  2. My 11 year old granddaughter was at school and forgot to take her mask off. Her best friend said “take off your mask, you look like a democrat.” My favorite of all her friends now!

  3. Doing away with the mask mandate will put a crimp in my “Justice for Jussie” protest where I peacefully liberate a bunch of $10 and $20 bills from the local 7/11. I understand the police can’t do anything, but mom may kick me out of the basement for this.


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