Joe Biden Claims He Was a ‘Full Professor’ at Penn – IOTW Report

Joe Biden Claims He Was a ‘Full Professor’ at Penn

Andrew breaks the lie down

Don’t Walk, Run! Productions

16 Comments on Joe Biden Claims He Was a ‘Full Professor’ at Penn

  1. Joe isn’t stupid, he sees the logic of the left and understands it perfectly. If a man can be a woman and a woman can be a man just by saying so then Joe can be a truck driver or a professor or anything he wants by just saying so.

  2. Yep. He’s a full professor………..a full of shit professor.

  3. He was a full professor like he’s a full President. Every job he’s ever had was a goddam sinecure. From his lifeguard days to now. He’d probably have burst a blood vessel if somebody had ever told him to do some hard work. Which might explain those aneurysms, come to think of it.

  4. Biden never met a lie that he didn’t use to puff himself up in the eyes of the uninformed. He’s made a career of it.

    Deflect and deceive, not just a story teller but a liar.
    Biden is an embarrassment to this nation.


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