Blinken and Austin Heading to Ukraine As Russia Posts Stunning Video of Captured Weapons Cache in Kharkiv – IOTW Report

Blinken and Austin Heading to Ukraine As Russia Posts Stunning Video of Captured Weapons Cache in Kharkiv


British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has promised more weapons for Ukraine according to Reuters. “British Prime Minister Boris Johnson spoke to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Saturday to confirm Britain will supply fresh weaponry to support Ukraine’s defence against Russia’s invasion.” (link)

The Wall Street Journal is reporting that Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin are heading to Kyiv tomorrow for talks with Zelenskyy. “[I]n what would be the highest-level visit by U.S. officials to Ukraine since the start of the war. The Defense Department and State Department declined to comment. Mr. Zelensky, speaking to reporters in a subway station in Kyiv on Saturday, said he would discuss military supplies and the pace of their delivery with the U.S. officials. The Ukrainian president has pressed Western countries for more weapons and support, and the U.S. and allies have raced to supply Ukraine with NATO-standard heavy weaponry.” (link)

Meanwhile Russia is reporting to have captured a massive Ukranian military weapons cache near Kharkiv (northeastern Ukraine).  VIDEO

23 Comments on Blinken and Austin Heading to Ukraine As Russia Posts Stunning Video of Captured Weapons Cache in Kharkiv

  1. Be a crying shame if something happened to them. We are the bad guys here, and as an American I feel like my apple pie is suddenly chalked full of rotten apples. I know I’m not the only one that’s getting “Anxious”.

  2. “Playing the piano with your dick lessons are only 800 million with a 25% discount”

    Should be more than that, he can’t hit any black keys. Purely Racist. Fucking Loyd Austin has no allegiance to our country. His only allegiance is to Black Power. Boy is he in the wrong place. Fucking dick.

  3. “I feel like my apple pie is suddenly chalked full of rotten apples.” -Brad

    We’ve all been eating apple pie that’s tasted weird since 1988. Rotten apples started showing up in 2008. Now, we’ve got cockroaches crawling out of our pie and we’re blowing apple chunks with crunchy little feet in them. And we haven’t even power-puked yet. You know, the projectile kind.

  4. Well, we gave the Taliban several billion dollars worth of arms — seems only fair to give some to the Russians, too. Before Biden’s done, we’ll have probably armed all of our enemies with our own ordnance. The Norks are probably next on the list.

  5. Maybe Putin will give Austin and Blinken the same treatment we gave Soleimani?
    Can only hope.
    Two pieces of shit with one wipe.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Uh oh…This is bad on NATO. The left hand doesn’t know what the other left hand is doing? Austin, Blinken and Lid better get on the case, quick:

    “In a shocking report, the UK newspaper The Telegraph has reported European capitols are selling Russia weapons for use in the Ukrainian conflict, taking advantage of loopholes in sanctions…”

  7. There is so much misinformation coming from Ukraine. You’d think 0bama would put a stop to that!
    I get my information from this guy, the hedgehog’s owner is in Lviv which is the western side of Ukraine. I met him via his employer on a Zoom session about a month ago, talking about the situation there. Looks pretty bad still.

  8. The gun is never as important as the hand that wields it. You can send Ukes weapons all day long but if they don’t have anyone but millenial mercenaries who’s military exoerience is fughting Nazi zombies in Call Of Duty on a computer, all these weapons caches are doing is giving the Russians somewhere to rearm, and maybe a reason fir a nuclear war with us.

  9. Thirdtwin
    APRIL 25, 2022 AT 8:07 AM
    “Uh oh…This is bad on NATO. The left hand doesn’t know what the other left hand is doing? Austin, Blinken and Lid better get on the case, quick:

    “In a shocking report, the UK newspaper The Telegraph has reported European capitols are selling Russia weapons for use in the Ukrainian conflict, taking advantage of loopholes in sanctions…””

    …it has been ever thus, and ever shall be…

    “What on earth is the true faith of an Armourer? To give arms to all men who offer an honest price for them, without respect of persons or principles, to aristocrat and republican, to nihilist and Tsar, to capitalist and socialist, to burglar and policeman, to … all nationalities, all faiths, all follies, and all crimes.”
    -George Bernard Shaw, “Major Barbara”

  10. Biden will continue to give Zelenskiy whatever (such as, taxpayer money, equipment, etc.) Zelenskiy demands… or Zelenskiy will expose Biden’s criminal history to the American people, and to the World…and even Biden (including his wife) are aware of this.

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