New Flat Rate Income Tax Structure Is Upheld By Arizona Supreme Court – IOTW Report

New Flat Rate Income Tax Structure Is Upheld By Arizona Supreme Court

The Arizona Supreme Court has ruled that a historic change to the state’s income tax rate estimated to result in a $1.9 billion tax cut for Arizonans is not subject to review by voters and can be implemented.

Thursday’s decision comes just two days after the justices heard oral arguments in a case involving an effort to kill two provisions of Senate Bill 1828, an omnibus appropriations bill signed by Gov. Doug Ducey in June 2021. The provisions change Arizona from a four-rate income tax structure to a simple 2.5 percent across the board rate effective January 2025. more here

8 Comments on New Flat Rate Income Tax Structure Is Upheld By Arizona Supreme Court

  1. “…effective January 2025”

    …ever notice how taxes are immediate, while tax relief is always sometime in the future?

    …time enough for Democrats to steal a few more elections and reverse it.

    Also time enough for it to be forgotten and tons of new illegals come in who don’t care, so it may not even be noticed when they recind it.

    …Democrats will NEVER allow a flat tax because they use taxes, like everything else, to exercise power, “punish their enemies” and reward their freinds as we’ve famously heard before. Flat taxes take away the ability to do that, and also make it WAY more comprehensible so if you’re a Democrat politician you can’t seize property and put political enemies in jail for simple errors, and also your high-hat tax lawyers can’t rig that in your favor.

    So, nice try, AZ.

    But it ain’t gonna happen.

  2. It’s a start, I hope it goes thru and shows other states how to control spending while limiting taxes. From what I can see a flat tax is good in theory and would like to see it happen. Just wish it would take effect sooner, like 1 July of this year.

  3. Back in Oregon, voters repeatedly rejected a sales tax. It is constitutionally prohibited. So the democrat controlled legislature came up
    With a “privilege tax” on high priced stuff. The rat bastards never stop. Glad I left.

  4. My wish list;
    A flat tax on EVERYBODY constitutionally limited to a single number.
    No distinction among salary, pension or investment income.
    No deductions
    No corporate taxes
    No withholding, EVERYBODY writes a check
    Election Day is the day after everybody pays their taxes


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