“The level of callousness in this [Psaki’s] response is sickening” – IOTW Report

“The level of callousness in this [Psaki’s] response is sickening”

CTH- Jen Psaki asked if White House Feels any Responsibility for Border Death of National Guardsman Bishop Evans, Responds Well, He Wasn’t Working for us.

The Biden administration has created a crisis at the U.S-Mexico border by enticing migrants, removing the remain in Mexico policy, and doing nothing to stop the massive influx of illegal aliens.

When asked if the White House feels any responsibility for the death of National Guardsman Bishop Evans, who drowned while attempting to rescue two drug smugglers, a callous, cold and dismissive Jen Psaki says:

...”I would note that the National Guard worked for the states, and so he is an employee of the Tex- — Texas National Guard, and his efforts and his operation were directed by there, not by the federal government, in this — in this effort, in this apparatus.” MORE

29 Comments on “The level of callousness in this [Psaki’s] response is sickening”

  1. Jarhead Cracka
    APRIL 26, 2022 AT 12:42 PM
    “Not surprised; their response to 13 Active Duty Servicemen killed in Afghanistan wasn’t any better …”

    …THEY weren’t working for us either.

    The Taliban were

  2. Just an ordinary life, eh, Jen?

    No one, really.

    Just some guy.

    He didn’t wear expensive suits and Bruno Magli shoes like the guys you associate with. He smelled of the sweat of labor, not expensive colognes and a lifetime in carefully climate controlled rooms. His hands were hard and calloused in the service of the Guard, not smooth and soft and lotioned like the males in your life.

    His family wasn’t anyone CNN spoke glowingly of, or indeed knew at all. He never appeared on TV in front of a forest of microphones provided by freindly news agencies to answer softball questions or not as he saw fit. No society page mentions for him, just a couple lines in an obituary in a no-name newspaper somewhere.

    Just an ordinary man who took his Oath to God and Country seriously.

    Again, like no one YOU know.

    Just an ordinary man with outsized bravery who lost his very life attempting to save that of another, the life even of a lawbreaker who YOU encoraged to be in a situation where he needed rescue to BEGIN with, where neither of them would even have been in peril had YOUR administration actually been doing THEIR sworn job.

    Just an ordinary man who stepped up courageously and lost his very life attempting to save that of another, who highly valued that OTHER life for no reason other than it was a life created by God and he could not stand idly by while that life was in danger and he thought he could help.

    “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”
    John 15:13

    Or for anonymous human beings in need of help.

    …yes, Jen, I can see where none of this is relatable to you. You cannot fathom one who has courage, who honors his duty, who will sacrifice himself for his fellow man without hesitation, who answered the call to help the regular folks in his state whether they belonged there or not, for no reward other than that of a duty fulfilled.

    ….I can understand why you have no empathy. Such a one is so completely foreign to your experience, so unlike those you spend your life among, so very different that the self-aggrandizing risk-adverse powdered and perfumed Capitol types that he doesn’t even seem as the same species to you.

    Just an ordinary man.

    Why should YOU care?

    …Go on, Jen. Have a nice,four or five course dinner, crispy duck perhaps with a pâté de foie gras garnish and a nice Chianti Classico to wash it down with as you chortle among the people you know as they smile in your face while you all calculate how to stab each other in the back, about how ridiculous it was that anyone even brought this ordinary life UP to someone in so exalted a lofty position as you.

    Have a good chuckle about it, Jen, then forget it ever existed as the current administration has proven itself so capable of doing so many times before.

    And sleep an untrobled sleep in your downy bed in your palatial bedroom, untroubled by the conscience that you seared into silence so long ago.

    But don’t be surprised if it comes up again one day.

    Perhaps when you stand as all eventually will before the Throne of the Lord and have all your life reviewed including this,

    Or perhaps just before your hanging on Earth, for this and for so many others that your version of Goebbels has served to deflect.

    So sleep now,Jen. Enjoy the comforts you exchanged your soul for.

    Because you won’t be getting any rest for the eternety you will spend in Hell.

  3. Just like they don’t give a phuck who dies or has medical issues from the the untested, un-approved so called “vaccine”. Born without a conscience is a mental disorder.

  4. Same as if an armed criminal breaks into an unarmed house, steals everything, rapes the females, and shoots everyone, the commies bear no responsibility for restrictive gun control laws because the same anti-gun laws apply to criminals too. They would say their actions were actually proactive in stopping the criminal.

  5. Just another egg in the omelet to these sick bastards.

    BrObama’s mentor Bill Ayers was very succinct many years ago when he stated that to move America in the direction the left desires may require the deaths of up to 25 million people. So they are just getting started.

  6. Ya jan. When your mother, father, husband dies I don’t give a rats ass because they don’t work for us. She’s so cold that when her husband is giving her “what for” he probably thinks he’s laying on an iceberg.

  7. Anyone who took exception to my referring to progs as “incapable of genuine empathy and furthermore their public displays of such are nothing but meaningless virtue signalling” like to re engage in that conversation?

  8. FeelNothing
    APRIL 26, 2022 AT 2:58 PM
    “No loss, saving drug smugglers, stupid move. Right move pull out your gun & fire.”

    Glad Jesus didn’t feel that way at Calvary about ALL of US.

    Anyone can be redeemed by the Lord, the moreso after a trauma. Cf. Acts 9 m, “Damascus Road Moment”, for further details.

  9. “If she only had a heart…” – she’d cut it out of her chest, roast and eat it. Yes, with Chianti (SNS beat me to it). Demoniacs don’t need hearts. They’re evil incarnate.

  10. As long as the predator daughter-molesting race-hating Joe Biden gets his ordered-up shipping containers (each container which he gets paid for) crammed and stuffed with illegal invaders, Jennifer Psad Psaki couldn’t care less about anything or anyone. Can well imagine the heinous abuses she inflicts upon her children which should be investigated by child services.

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