BOOM – IOTW Report


10 Comments on BOOM

  1. Trump’s an American hero, joey’s a minus zero. Joey wouldn’t know the truth about anything if it smacked him upside the head with a 2 x 4. Or a nuclear warhead launched by the Russkie’s because joey’s (and his evil minions and the gutless weenie RINO’s as well) a coward and a chickenshit who sees nothing wrong with getting us involved in World War 3.

  2. This guy is rarely wrong.

    And history is even smarter: war is a permanent state in all species of animals, including humans. This catastrophe was set in motion by two people: Bill Clinton (selling China missile tech) and Obama (destroying everything else).

    This is Obama’s third term.

  3. Come on folks, at least be honest..
    Donald Trump had huge difficulties hiring and firing the right people.
    He fired smart loyal people and hired deep-state back stabbers.


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