Fauci Funded an HIV Tracking Project for Teen Hookers in China – IOTW Report

Fauci Funded an HIV Tracking Project for Teen Hookers in China

National Pulse

Anthony Fauci’s National Institutes of Health agency funded research in China tracking Chinese prostitutes as young as 16-years-old.

The unearthed studies, published in 2012 and 2013, follow Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) supporting “killer” bat coronavirus research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. The Chinese Communist Party-run lab is believed by many to be the source of COVID-19 given its links to the military and controversial gain-of-function research.

A study from March of 2013 – “Drug Use and Sex Work: Competing Risk Factors for Newly Acquired HIV in Yunnan, China” – also counts funding from Fauci’s NIAID. more

13 Comments on Fauci Funded an HIV Tracking Project for Teen Hookers in China

  1. The deeper you dig on this psychotic garden gnome, the closer to Hell you get.
    Throw the little c*ck sucker in the pit and backfill over him.
    Let him become Satan’s little bitch.

  2. So, the trillions of dollars China earns by being the globe’s top export nation still doesn’t cover them to do their own public health research; so US taxpayers must pay for it? Or are they merely studying the underage hookers in China because they want to import them to the US for ruling class consumption, because, perhaps, the AIDS rate for underage US hookers is too high?

  3. No one in our so-called government, for over 40 years, was watching the Hen House and the little, deceitful, Gargoyle Fauci had his way with it by using unlimited tax dollars to fund his deadly and murderous brand of ‘science’!

  4. Proverbs ch. 6 thru 8 says it the best, I prefer the Message Bible’s phrasing of it beginning with its warning on adultery in Prov. 6:20-6:35 and especially the part where the Message Bible says, “Adultery is a brainless act, soul destroying, self-destructive; expect a bloody nose, a black eye and a reputation ruined for good. But for the grace of God go I, thank you Lord for forgiving me for my youthful indiscretions with hookers in the Philippines because I would’ve never been able to have had a good wife and 3 children later without your grace and mercy. I still know some friends who got caught up in that and have never changed and it has ruined their lives forever. I wish I would’ve heeded the warning from a Christian friend of mine when we first got to Pubic (Subic) Bay and Olongapo City never to cross Shit River into that hell hole. But God’s grace was greater than my friends warning.

  5. ANTHONY FAUCI MENGELE tested unapproved HIV cocktails (and other poisons)and experimented on orphan children during the 1980s through 1990s and present. These children were offered up to Fauci Mengele for mega-coin by the INCARNATION CHILDRENS CENTER, via CATHOLCI CHARITIES, with the presumption that “no one will miss them”. These poor kids who suffered greatly at the hands of the sadistic psychopath DR. FRANKENSTEIN FAUCI MENGELE were murdered if they survived his heinous experimentation upon their bodies since they were witnesses, with all being buried in Westchester, NY at his command. It shouldn’t surprise anyone with a thinking brain that PHAKE PHARMA has been advocating FRANKENSTEIN FAUCI’s toxic vaxx and multiple boosters for babies and young children, at the behest of FAUCI MENGELE. His continuous grunting for boostering young children is to get them on the yearly vaxx schedule and to monitor his nefarious experiments upon them unobserved by authorities.

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