House GOP’s No. 2 Scalise meets privately with Gaetz over comments about congressman in leaked tapes – IOTW Report

House GOP’s No. 2 Scalise meets privately with Gaetz over comments about congressman in leaked tapes

Rep. Steve Scalise, the House’s No. 2 Republican, has met privately with fellow GOP congressman Matt Gaetz to discuss his comments on leaked audio tapes in which he said Gaetz might have acted illegally in comments related to the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.

The minority whip says he told Gaetz, “sorry if this caused you problems”

14 Comments on House GOP’s No. 2 Scalise meets privately with Gaetz over comments about congressman in leaked tapes

  1. He , like Kev’ is a Ronny hater. Being shot does not make you good! Were that the case , my heart with 4 clusters make me imperial! NOt so!

    Shooter, a Bush/Biden man, was not aiming at him specifically. Chinaman shooting me clearly not aiming t me.I t was a ricochet! I, like he, still took a slug. And I, like he, am no person to worship!

    Voted Ronny 9 times! Clearly biased!

  2. My theme this year is “Doors closing and doors opening”. It’s based on the Biblical text of God’s shutting and opening matters, and it applies also to hidden matters being revealed to the sanitizing light of truth. It seems that no matter how clever people are trying to be right now, the truth is leaking out everywhere, with no believable excuses at hand.

  3. Well said, LBS. Rand Paul survived a deranged Democrat dry-gulching, and he’s more feisty than ever. I reckon some people are just broken after a physical assault, and others just get their back up even more. And speaking of words…Why do we still not know what deranged Democrat sniper Hodgkinson said in his emails to Dick Durbin? What did Durbin know, and when did he know it?

  4. @Anon

    Amber Turd…good one.

    But maybe it was more like a liquidy splat…more like a cow flop/pasture pancake type of discharge…if it was the result of swallowing ex-lax and sleeping pills before going to bed.

  5. I would like to know what they had on Paul Ryan, for him to drop everything and walk away. It’s fairly he was being groomed for president.
    He may poke his head out for 2024, the long lost savior.

  6. Scalise is co-chair with Clyburn on the Select Subcomittee for the Covid Virus that is pressuring the FDA to approve jabs for under 5. Seems the price to pay to get to the top of club is to sell out. Scalise seems to have done a good job of that.

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