Massachusetts: Suspended Judges Get Pay Raises – IOTW Report

Massachusetts: Suspended Judges Get Pay Raises

Howie Carr:

Even suspended Judge Shelley Joseph could see a bump

The hackerama says no state gas tax suspension for all you Massachusetts drivers who’ve been going to work every day since the Panic was ginned up more than two years ago.

No tax relief for you damn Deplorables, but now the Legislature proposes to give 12% pay raises to all the payroll patriots in the courthouses, which have been pretty much shut down for the last two years.

But none of the payroll Charlies have missed a single paycheck, and I’m looking at you, suspended Newton District Court Judge Shelley Joseph, who was indicted in 2019 by a federal grand jury on charges of, among other things, obstruction of justice.

She’s accused of letting a Dominican illegal career criminal drug dealer escape out the back door of her courtroom instead of turning him over to a federal immigration cop because … fundamental transformation of America.

Did I mention that she’s a former member of the Democrat State Committee from Brookline, which is just one of the reasons why this pampered snowflake was appointed to her hack sinecure by Gov. Charlie Baker? more

5 Comments on Massachusetts: Suspended Judges Get Pay Raises

  1. Elections have consequences – both stolen elections and real elections.

    Taxachusetts has been corrupt for (at least) a century – that seems to be the way the Massholes like it.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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