Ohio: Over $100,000 robbed in Louis Vuitton Store ransacking – IOTW Report

Ohio: Over $100,000 robbed in Louis Vuitton Store ransacking

Legal Insurrection:

I recently noted that the crime surge in California from organized gangs has gotten so bad that various types of robberies have begun getting fun, new designations.

Take, for instance, “smash and grab” robberies. One member of the “horde” smashes into the store, while the rest of the pack swoops in to pillage and run.

But “smash and grab” is not confined to California, as there is a report of a dramatic incident in Ohio in which over $100,000 was stolen.

A horde of thieves stole ‘every item on the showroom floor’ of a Louis Vuitton store in Ohio on Wednesday, making off with more than $140,000 in merchandise in just minutes.

Shortly after 3 pm, eight to 10 people clad in ski masks and gloves were dropped off at the entrance to the Kenwood Towne Centre in Kenwood, Ohio, according to the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office.

They could be seen pushing past store employees to get inside on surveillance footage stills, which have been shared by investigators.

The swarm then stole nearly every piece of merchandise in a matter of minutes, before piling into a dark gray Dodge Durango SUV and a black sedan and peeling away. more

14 Comments on Ohio: Over $100,000 robbed in Louis Vuitton Store ransacking

  1. …yeah, this is just down the road from where I am right now, in a mall that caters mostly to East Side rich liberals, so there’s a TON of high-end places selling hugely expensive watches and clothes and the crap Nordstrom overcharges for in that complex too.

    An easy drive down Cross County Highway from central Communati high-crime neighborhoods full of folks of a similar hue to these robbers that have been taught for decades that Whitey owes them something.

    I’m not a bit surprised this happened. I’m obviously not surprised that that they somehow couldn’t catch anyone.

    I’m only surprised they didn’t hit all the OTHER stores while they were at it.

    …oh well, riot season’s coming up, I’m sure they were taking notes…

  2. Time to call the exterminator.

    When the vermin start this kind of shit, it needs to be stopped definitively.
    Kill them and leave their carcasses where the other vermin can see them.

    The best scare crow is the dead crow hung in a tree.
    The best scare wolf is the dead wolf hung on the fence.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. “Additionally, a new “follow home” robbery incident is being reported in Beverly Hills.”

    …I’m hardly Beverly Hills material, but the way I cane up I, for various reasons, watch my rearview going home and will not even SLOW at my driveway if there’s a car that’s been behind me awhile and I don’t recognize it as a neighbor.

    I live on semi-rural roads so it’s about a mile to a church with a U-shaped driveway I can turn in and be able to avoid being boxed in.

    Call me paranoid if you like, but in this world today I see no reason to take a chance of leading someone who might mean me harm to where my wife is recovering from surgery and my invalid MIL are, with my jacked up knees that make it hard to get out of the car quickly if it devolves to a shooting match.

    The wife thinks I’m nuts, but so be it.

    Not everyone I’ve met in my life has become my freind, to put it mildly, and I remain very aware of that.

    Just saying.

  4. Time to go botique-by-appointment-only for any stores serious about prevention.

    While viscerally satisfying, cancelling a couple only leaves a couple hundred thousand more…collectively not smart enough to understand the scarecrows.

  5. Tim-FJB,
    I’m wi’cha there.
    Time to install at least one belt-fed full auto weapon, audio “triggered” (pun intended) by the sound of breaking glass. Leave the bodies on the floor. Take lots of video & pics, b’cast far & wide, “Don’t want to end up like this? Then don’t “smash & grab”. This has been a PSA of your friendly local Mall Association.”

    If that’s too risky for the store, then hire a local military veteran (or two or three – backup & rotate shifts), (each) with an AR-15. Build a “hide” up high against the back of the store, facing the glass front window & door. The vet’s job, ONLY job, is to watch that store front. The first smasher that breaks glass, will be shot, preferably shot to kill. And keep shooting until the store front is clear of looters.

    Yeah, it might come to that.
    Think RAH “Friday”.


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