Dr. Wolf: COVID Vaccines and Pregnancy – IOTW Report

Dr. Wolf: COVID Vaccines and Pregnancy

Pregnant women excluded from Covid-19 Vaccine trials before proven safe and effective.

7 Comments on Dr. Wolf: COVID Vaccines and Pregnancy

  1. This is why I’m disgusted every time Trump comes out and brags about pushing the FDA to fast track these shots (he did it AGAIN a week ago even saying I know my base doesn’t want to hear this). Does he not understand he is serving himself up on a platter because the day will come when people outside alternative media learn this. That is why they are so desperate to retain their censorship ability.

  2. After all the hell I got over eating a ham sandwich or soft cheese, not to mention a sip Eucharistic wine through four pregnancies, I have never understood how doctors and women have jumped on the Covid shot train. It makes no sense. Aspirin: no. Untested dna altering drug—how about a boost while you’re at it? Most the moms are young, naive and will do what they’re told. It’s the doctors who should know better.


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