Republican North Dakota lawmaker quits after texts with child porn suspect are exposed – IOTW Report

Republican North Dakota lawmaker quits after texts with child porn suspect are exposed


North Dakota’s longest-serving state senator will be resigning after a report revealed the lawmaker exchanged text messages with a man jailed on child pornography charges.

“Recent news stories have become a distraction for the important work of the legislative assembly during its interim meetings,” Republican Ray Holmberg, 79, said in a statement announcing his resignation, effective June 1.

“I want to do what I can, within my power, to lessen such distractions.”

Holmberg’s term was scheduled to end on Nov. 30 and he had already announced in March that it would be his last.

Holmberg had exchanged 72 text messages in August with Nicholas James Morgan-Derosier, the Forum of Fargo reported on April 1.

Morgan-Derosier has been behind bars on charges of possessing several thousand images and videos depicting sexually abused children. He is also accused of taking two children under the age of 10 from Minnesota to his home in Grand Forks with the intent to sexually abuse them. more

20 Comments on Republican North Dakota lawmaker quits after texts with child porn suspect are exposed

  1. …about the ONLY difference between Dems and GOP-E at this point is that Repubs still have to get OUT when their kid fondling gets exposed, where Democrats simply vie for who gets away with more kid touching as they rig the courts to legalize pedophilia.

    Which the GOP-E assists with so they, too, one day can start raping children without losing their jobs.

  2. @Jethro April 29, 2022 at 9:50 pm

    > Start investing in tar and feather supply companies.

    But, first, invest in aluminium bat manufacturers.

    (Anyone who suggests “Tar and feathers” before “To the nearest wall”, needs to be beaten. To death. They are a more existential threat.)

  3. Jethro
    I guess this abarition thinks you need to be beaten to death. Some one needs to run his I.P for a location so the closest IOTW reader can put him out of our misery.

  4. You leave Fnucky alone. His posts are just like reading Zippy the pinhead existential comix.

    Again, for the 23rd time. I charge 50 bucks. Of course, with fuel being what it is, we’re gonna’ have to split the bill.

    And I call bare hands. Won’t take but a minute.

  5. Sometimes….. but sometimes if you’re like super buzzed and you stare at his posts for long enough….something something…..maybe Fnucky is Zippys angst ridden brother, Lippy.

    I dunno’, I just figure if we let him spin his wheels long enough he might get better at it.

    Fnucky, you can’t be coy or assume anyone has your knowledge base or references. You gotta’ spell it out. Keep at it. I enjoy watching train wrecks.

    Flaky Font & of course Mr.Natural.
    I am hearing rumors about pedo crap
    involving my local Govt. in a town
    of 15k. in frickin TX for goodness sakes.
    Burr dude,you missed your calling in stand up
    comedy.Cole-Burt would leave the country…….

  7. But it’s not just the congressman, it’s all those people around him who just give him a pass and say when asked that “Well, he’s leaving, so let’s just let him leave with dignity, blah, blah, blah.” “Law-makers”? No. Law-breakers.

  8. “Texts are just gone.”

    Funny how that works, ain’t it?
    All my texts about “patio work” walk off, too.

    Sorta like HRC’s shithouse server.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Jethro April 29, 2022 at 9:50 pm

    Start investing in tar and feather supply companies. I have a hunch there will be very high demand soon.

    A bullet is faster than tar and feathering. I’m all for the lead treatment. I’ll even provide the bullets.


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