‘Karl Rove can kiss my ass’ – IOTW Report

‘Karl Rove can kiss my ass’

By the way, don’t let Karl Rove near your ass. I’ve heard some things.

[…] “So Karl Rove can go kiss my ass. Because I could care less what he has to say about any of us, and he’s dead wrong, he’s disconnected, and shame on Fox News for constantly having him on there.”

18 Comments on ‘Karl Rove can kiss my ass’

  1. Leftist Karl hates Ronny almost as much as GWB..And almost as degenerate a liar. Told a conservative gathering 10 years ago he backed Ronny in 1980. 3 former TX GOP execs said, “COMPASsIONATE CONSERVATIVE LIE!”! The ’80 GOP Tx Chm linked an OpEd leftist Karl wrote for the NYT wannabe Dallas MN. Karl said if GOP nominated Ronny they would be destroyed by Carter. Ronny was clearly conservative. America had not been conservative for over 100 years. Ronny would lead the Party to crushing defeats! – I have summarized Marx’s op ed.

    If you watch the Marxist “White Boards’ and think about the meaning behind the doodles ; it is clear Karl is still an anti Ronny “Nanny Stater”

    Belted disclaimer:

    I am very biased here! Voted Ronny 9 times. I hate Ronny haters like GWB and karl!
    I will not apologize; and I will not “be nice”!


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