Fully Vaccinated and Boosted White House Comms Director Kate Bedingfield Tests Positive for Coronavirus – IOTW Report

Fully Vaccinated and Boosted White House Comms Director Kate Bedingfield Tests Positive for Coronavirus

Breitbart: White House communications director Kate Bedingfield, who is fully vaccinated and boosted, on Friday announced she tested positive for the Chinese coronavirus, noting she last saw President Joe Biden 48-hours earlier while taking precautions, such as wearing an N-95 mask and social distancing.

“This morning, I tested positive for COVID-19. I last saw the President Wednesday in a socially-distanced meeting while wearing an N-95 mask, and he is not considered a close contact as defined by the CDC,” Bedingfield wrote on Friday, crediting her “mild” symptoms to being both vaccinated and boosted.

“Thanks to being fully vaccinated and boosted, I am only experiencing mild symptoms. In alignment with White House COVID-19 protocols, I will work from home and plan to return to work in person at the conclusion of a five-day isolation period and a negative test,” she added: more

25 Comments on Fully Vaccinated and Boosted White House Comms Director Kate Bedingfield Tests Positive for Coronavirus

  1. Word on the street is that almost the entire White House staff has come down with an awareness that the walls are really closing in after that last public display by the Big Guy. If Senile Dementia was an infectious disease, they’d all be blithering idiots.

  2. They are building to killing off The Pedo in a way that will allow for truly brutal peasant control measures “in his memory”. They’ll be cancelling elections, all investigations will be derailed and unpatriotic, and Fauci will take the opportunity to release one of his Chinese brewed but ACTUALLY deadly plague upon us, now that the dry run has shown them how it moves and spreads and also since everyone won’t take it seriously until much too late.

    None of this is accidental. They are going to use this to solidify the tyranny.

    You’ll see.

    If they let you live.

  3. Masked, vaxxed, and boosted – and tested positive?

    What’s wrong with this picture? Even a fukkin moron should see this for what it is.
    And on a slightly different note, why get tested if you don’t show symptoms?
    That’s fukkin dumb – by any metric.
    Regular testing makes sense if you have a condition – not so, otherwise.

    We need to take our country back and eliminate these pretentious assholes – move them to asparagus farms in North Dakota – or to Chicago – or to New York – or to SF.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Thanks to being fully vaccinated and boosted, I am only experiencing mild symptoms.

    Can’t they just boil that down to an acronym? Here, let me help:


    Don’t worry. We’ll know what you mean, tools.

  5. Coof is really selective.
    Only DemonCraps seem to come down with it.
    Anyone remember when we call people who claimed to be sick, with no symptoms ‘hypochondriacs’?

  6. “Thanks to being fully vaccinated and boosted, I am only experiencing mild symptoms.”


    Thanks to being fully vaccinated and boosted, the onset of symptoms — the first sign that you have an infection — was delayed an extra day or so, making you a walking virus dispenser during that time.


  7. So they are all pretending to have a ‘mild’ case of the Rona (thanks to being vaccinated) so they can keep pushing the pseudo shot on everyone and make big Pharma even richer while taking their cut!

  8. Well, Kate, you ignorant slut, you attribution of mild symptoms because of you jab status is trying to prove a negative. Are your symptoms mild? If yes, good for you. But as each successive wave rolls through the population, the severity has been decreasing anyway. So, tell us again how much was jab, how much was the wind down, how much was just due to over blown propaganda in the first place? Also, how do you know your symptoms are “mild”? Have you had this before for comparison? If yes, then that tells the lie of the “vaccine” all the more.


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