Murkowski Laments ‘I May Not Be Re-Elected’ – IOTW Report

Murkowski Laments ‘I May Not Be Re-Elected’

Breitbart: Establishment Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) on Thursday admitted she may lose her primary bid to Donald Trump-endorsed candidate Kelly Tshibaka.

“I may not be re-elected,” Murkowski told the New York Times about the possible end of her 20-year Senate career.

“It may be that Alaskans say, ‘Nope, we want to go with an absolute, down-the-line, always, always, 100-percent, never-question, rubber-stamp Republican,’ she said about Tshibaka who is leading in the polls.

“And if they say that that’s the way that Alaska has gone — kind of the same direction that so many other parts of the country have gone — I have to accept that,” Murkowski added. “But I’m going to give them the option… Maybe I am just completely politically naïve, and this ship has sailed. But I won’t know unless we — unless I — stay out there and give Alaskans the opportunity to weigh in.” more

21 Comments on Murkowski Laments ‘I May Not Be Re-Elected’

  1. “It may be that Alaskans say, ‘Nope, we want to go with an absolute, down-the-line, always, always, 100-percent, never-question, rubber-stamp Republican,’ she said about Tshibaka who is leading in the polls.

    That’s your problem, Lisa– you never question ANYTHING unless it’s supported by a conservative. Now get out.

  2. Was privileged to live amongst (and play music in front of) some rather roughly-hewn people (including many friendly “out-in-the bush” Eskimos) in November and December (early 70s) at the downtown Holiday Inn in Anchorage. Local bars were open 23-hours a day.

    How Lisa Murkowski managed a 20-year scam in front of these beautiful (and trusting) American and Eskimo people is a mystery. Probably due to too much “lower 48” TV during the dark winter season over the years — and, probably, fake news. I know it wasn’t due to rubbing noses with some very beautiful, unmarried Eskimo girls whose trust and friendship I will always remember and cherish. Just don’t vote for Murkowski this time around.

  3. It’s not enough that she not be re-elected for me. There are starving polar bears in Alaska that could help us out.
    Of course they may prefer more fatty walruses and seals over withered jerky dry meat like Murkowski.

  4. Resting Bitch face will do exactly what she did last time she lost the Alaska GOP primary… She will hire a democrat as her campaigm manager and as well as a host of democrat party operatives who will have dems cross over and vote in the gop primary just like they did last time…

    The democrats ALREADY own Lisa Murkowski!

    Remember the infamous picture of diane feinstein cornering her against the wall, lecturing her in the hallway during the Kavanaugh hearing fiasco. She was being own by the dems at that moment. Explain all her behavior doesn’t it.

  5. ” unless I — stay out there and give Alaskans the opportunity to weigh in.”

    What did they call that when they laid the witch on the ground, put a door on her and piled rocks on it until she was crushed? That the only weighing in that should be done with Rino Lisa!!

  6. “It may be that Alaskans say, ‘Nope, we want to go with an absolute, down-the-line, always, always, 100-percent, never-question, rubber-stamp Republican.’”

    That’s a damn sight better than an absolute, down-the-line, always, always, 100-percent, never-question, rubber-stamp Democrat who masquerades as a Republican.

  7. She’s a traitor to her party, her state, her country, and her President (Trump).

    Not being re-selected is infinitely better than what she deserves.
    If she wasn’t such a bitter-clinger, she’d just retire to feed the Polar bears.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  8. Epitome of the UNIPARTY in action! GOP had a conservative on the ballot. – JOE. Dem had someone; name?. GWB and his acolyte BHO backed a commie NOT ON THE BALLOT! NEITHER PARTY BACKED THEIR “OFFICIAL” MAN! * The UNIPARTY girl NOT ON THE BALLOT WON!
    * UNIPARTY backstabe Dems – ometimes.
    $64 question. – name the Commie girl!

    If you can not name her you epitomize LOW INFORMATION!

  9. If there is anything good to say about the never-ending persecution of Trump, this failure of an administration, and the subsequent “pandemic” and unnecessary deaths of millions of people from vaccines, it’s that the people have finally woken up to the idiots who call themselves Democrats.

  10. Cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt Cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt Cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt Cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt Cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt Cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt Cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt Cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt Cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt


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