Ramadan: A Time to Celebrate Murder, Bloodshed, and Slavery – IOTW Report

Ramadan: A Time to Celebrate Murder, Bloodshed, and Slavery

Frontpage: During the Islamic holy month of Ramadan, Muslims fast, pray, engage in acts of piety and charity, and reminisce over warfare and bloodshed in the name of Islam.

Virtually every Ramadan features various Islamic authorities, personages, and/or institutes reminding Muslims to take pride in and celebrate various historic battles between Muslims and non-Muslims, or “infidels” (as in this hour long televised special). Among other things, such victories are meant to demonstrate the power, and thus truth, of Islam.

This alone should underscore Islam’s innate militancy in comparison to other religions. It further suggests that Islam is a worldly religion, one that takes pride and finds validation in something as corporeal and temporal as victory in warfare (with all the attendant collection of booty and slaves that entails).

By way of analogy, and to better appreciate Ramadan-time celebrations of jihad, imagine Christians gathered together in church during Christmas or Easter.  Then, the officiating pastor eulogizes the bloody military conquests Christians had over non-Christians during Christmas or Easter—even as the congregants cheer or at least feel deep pride in their Christian faith.

Not only is such a scenario exceedingly difficult to imagine—a reflection of how utterly different Christianity and Islam are from one another—but many of today’s Christians have become so anti-war as to characterize even self-defense as “un-Christian.”  That, at least, is what the head of the Catholic Church, Pope Francis, seems to think: recently, while condemning war, he went so far as also to condemn Just War, the idea that war is legitimate when waged for just reasons (self-defense, liberating conquered peoples or territory, etc.) MORE HERE

10 Comments on Ramadan: A Time to Celebrate Murder, Bloodshed, and Slavery

  1. “Pope Francis…went so far as also to condemn Just War, the idea that war is legitimate when waged for just reasons (self-defense, liberating conquered peoples or territory, etc.)”

  2. …like ’em or hate ’em, they are part of the economy now.

    Where I’m sitting right now normally runs 9 production lines in a Monday.

    This particular Monday is Eid al-fitr, the end of Ramadan and what Christmas would be to a Muslim if Santa told people to kill infedels as he handed out gifts.

    So we can only run 3.

    Pretty much the same everywhere that tries to make something in this country. The Americans don’t much go in for actual work these days, so SOMEBODY’S got to do it.

    Only they know what their motives are. Most work pretty hard, not a lot of smart people in that bunch tho, and a lot of language barrier given that most of them speak some variant of a debased French argot as a common language and some very regional African languages in addition to a smattering of English, but we don’t need intellectuals to stack boxes so they make the numbers.

    So if we killed em all, deported them all, or they suddenly turned on us, a lot of stuff won’t get done and a lot of Americans won’t get fed.

    So just realize that whether you consider them friend or enemy, at this point in history they are your factory workers, and when they go out to slaughter goats or cut their kids foreheads or kill people on airplanes or whatever the hell they do, when they do it en masse it is VERY visible from a production standpoint.

    So if you could wave a wand and make Muslims disappear tomorrow, I hope the other end of that wand can suddenly give Americans a work ethic because otherwise we’ll be pretty screwed.

  3. There were already 2 major religions in the Mid-east in 750 AD or whenver Muhammed decided to create a third one.

    Why? Trying to emulate Jesus? wanted the power over all those mid-east camel jockeys? wanted to get rich quick?

    Who knows? But the world could have done without islam.

  4. Seventeen deaths less than last year’s total during the Bomb-athon but 45 less incidents occurring during Ramadan so there’s that. Meanwhile in Chicongo, the running total so far is 191 homicides but because it’s a steady drip, drip, drip and Democrats run the place there’s zero concern.

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