Big Other – IOTW Report

Big Other

American Mind-

They/Them are watching you.

When I think about the futuristic dystopian movies of my childhood, I recall giant posters of a Dear Leader with a sinister grin on his face, posted around a gray prison city. Big Brother was watching you, always! We sang along to MTV: “I always feel like somebody’s watching me.” 

We were warned.

In our present dystopian moment, a new crop of sinister Big Brothers smirks at us from social media and TV, their soulless eyes narrowed, licking their lips as they contemplate how we will taste as they devour us.

Recently I have been struck by the sexlessness of our Biden-era Overlords. Gender-neutrality is all the rage in the swamp, I suppose. Men, women, and everything in between have converged into a new subspecies of person with certain traits of both men and women. The Deep State Uberwench, as it were. Broad-shouldered, strong jawed, lipsticked with blown-out hair, power suited and pumped up, they are the end-product of the sausage grinder of execrable NGOs, D.C. institutes, bottomless and fetid think tanks, and toxic universities. 

Debrided of a soul and a capacity for self-awareness, what is left after this is a human being disconnected from humanity. Neither male nor female, they are The State: they are Big Other. 

A shape with lion body and the head of a man,/A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun.”

Big Other is the product of the ideological and physical strip-mining process that turns normal people into powerful tools of the Regime. It’s fascinating how each person who undergoes this process ends up looking, dressing, and even behaving the same way. It is a new breed of American bureaucrat. Neither fully male or fully female, they inhabit a genderless nether region (they no longer have their originals) where, thus stripped of inconvenient signifiers like “sexy” or “beautiful” or “handsome” or “mother,” they are free to wield their enormous powers more fully. more

h/t Mrs.6pak

14 Comments on Big Other

  1. They aim to destroy an individual’s birthright. Look at the timing of the leak from Scotus. Right before Mother’s Day.
    They must want women to be souless empty vessels. Try as they will, they cannot destroy what G-d gave us.

  2. They used to watch me. Every day for months. Parked way up the road but not out of sight. Big white suburban lookin’ deal.

    Once I got tailgated by a black and white from Phoenix allll the way to Prescott Valley. Nice.

    Not over PC crap. I may or may not have been tangentially involved in some alleged shenanigans. Some of which purportedly crossed state lines.

    Its why I constantly encourage you all to do the same. Its fun PLUS you get to see your tax dollars spent….on you. Feels good. At least you can account for that expenditure. Don’t know what the Gubmint did with the rest of the money they didn’t spend surveilling me.

    Probably surveilling HippieCritic. He seems shady enough.

  3. It was the little personal things that I found unsportsmanlike. Like tailgating me for 100 miles.

    I view it as a job. Nothin’ personal. I’m just an antagonist. The good guys are the protagonists. Caint’ have no protagonist without an antagonist. Like that old cartoon about the sheepdog and wolf punching in on the same time clock to start their natural adversarial roles in life. Then at 5pm,no matter how badly one or the other is being beaten, the whistle sounds and they punch out on their time clock and say “see ya’ tomorrow Steve, see ya tomorrow, Bill.” And go on their separate ways.

    I’m saying I appreciate professionalism.

  4. Break check a black and white unit when I knew EXACTLY why they were following me? Whilst I was transporting completely unrelated “dry goods”?

    Perish the thought. Hardly professional. I simply pretended he wasn’t there completely filling up my rear view mirror. Like a lil’ caravan we drove all the way up the hills and across valleys.

    I would have bought the lad a libation if he hadn’t pressed me so hard. Kidz.

  5. This is from a case in 2013.

    I comported myself admirably and avoided catching any charges. I.E. I shut up.

    I still think about those guys every time I see one of those police Dodge Magnums. I can honestly say, “Yes,those new police units were bought because of people like me.

    High fives all around.

  6. “Mind-numb robots” as The Great Rush would say. They are dedicated and programmed by the State.
    The grooming starts in kindergarten then grade school through high school. Impressionable children taught to unquestionably obey mandates of Marxist social constructs which are void of Godly principles, empathy, rationality and independent thought.

    I recently encountered one of these poor indoctrinated Gen Z drones in of course…Walmart.
    The cashier who rang up my items for purchase informed me I would not be getting a receipt. I could not believe my ears. As calmly as possible, I asked “Why?”. She said her “supervisor” said all the cash registers had no paper in the registers.
    It never occurred to her to question such a lie or get tape from management. I lost it. I pointed my finger at her and said she better find some paper because I’m not leaving without a receipt. The blank stare I got was disturbing.
    She had no idea why that was a problem. She didn’t consider thinking for herself and asking the manager for a roll of paper.

    I immediately got an apologetic manager to put paper in the cashier’s register to create a “item history” receipt. Turns out the supervisor who told this cashier to operate her register without paper is known for her incompetence – Yeah, well it’s Walmart.

    The manager, suprisingly informed me the cashier had done this to a number of customers and that her register will report several errors at the end of her shift. Only one other customer besides me had the courage to report the cashier. Wow!

    At first I thought the cashier was crazy or being pranked, but soon realized I came face to face with an emotionless, vapid public school educated tool of the State who is capable of being told to do anything the State desires. She’s not alone. There are millions like her and that’s scary.
    Reminds me that relying on the Second Amendment is a very real thing for those of us who are not products of letist/Marxist doctrine.

  7. Ah yes! The GenZ soulless stare. I remember this one like it was yesterday. I picked up my bowl of oatmeal from the breakfast cook and noticed several knurdles of mouse shit in the oatmeal. Being the good person that I am, I politely said to the cook, “I think you should know about this. There is mouse shit in my oatmeal.” I got not a word in reply, just a dead soulless stare from blank eyes as she dished up another bowl of oatmeal from the pot to give to her best friend.


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