Congressman Andy Biggs (R-AZ) Rolls Out Gingrich-Style “America First Contract” – IOTW Report

Congressman Andy Biggs (R-AZ) Rolls Out Gingrich-Style “America First Contract”

Arizona Daily Independent:
Similar to Newt Gingrich’s 1994 Contract with America, on Monday, Congressman Andy Biggs unveiled his “America First Contract.” Biggs says the plan counters “Democrats’ and the Biden Administration’s harmful policies. ”

“America has had enough of the disastrous leftist policies of the Biden Administration. Our nation is in desperate need of a new action plan for Republicans to follow in January. We need an affirmative, positive platform that will advance America First policies and roll back Biden Administration initiatives that have harmed our country. We have to stand up to the Biden Administration and stand up for the American people,” said Biggs.

Biggs’ “America First Contract” emphasizes securing the border, mitigating inflation and crime, supporting parental choice in education and strengthening election laws.

“On every issue, the Biden Administration and the Leftists in Congress are failing our country and Americans are demanding their Representatives stand up to these radicals. The America First Plan restores America’s greatness by securing our southern border, achieving energy independence, supporting law enforcement, and reining in frivolous spending while balancing the federal budget. I am proud to support this plan that advances conservative policies and overturns Joe Biden’s reckless agenda,”said Congressman Paul Gosar (R-AZ). more

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