Repairman who revealed Hunter Biden laptop sues Schiff, CNN, Politico and The Daily Beast – IOTW Report

Repairman who revealed Hunter Biden laptop sues Schiff, CNN, Politico and The Daily Beast


The Delaware computer repairman who blew the whistle on Hunter Biden’s laptop — filed a multi-million-dollar defamation suit Tuesday against Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff, CNN, The Daily Beast and Politico, saying they falsely accused him of peddling Russian disinformation.

The former shop owner, John Paul Mac Isaac, decided to fight back after losing his business and being harassed for 18 months by Big Tech, the media and Delaware locals in President Biden’s home state.

“After fighting to reveal the truth, all I want now is for the rest of the country to know that there was a collective and orchestrated effort by social and mainstream media to block a real story with real consequences for the nation,” the 45-year-old Mac Isaac told The Post.

“This was collusion led by 51 former pillars in the intelligence community and backed by words and actions of a politically motivated DOJ and FBI,” he continued. “I want this lawsuit to reveal that collusion and more importantly, who gave the marching orders.”

Mac Isaac came to legally own the laptop after Biden’s son Hunter dropped it off at his store for repairs in April 2019 and never came back. The material on the laptop has raised serious questions about what Biden knew of his son’s overseas business deals, during which he and the president’s brother, Jim Biden, often invoked his powerful name.  more

8 Comments on Repairman who revealed Hunter Biden laptop sues Schiff, CNN, Politico and The Daily Beast

  1. No one in “authoritah” seems to think that the contents of the Hunter laptop drive is important. So publicize it. Far and wide. Make it all publicly known. Can’t make it disappear if everyone has a copy or has seen it.

  2. They will prolly arrest this guy for distributing child porn because of all of the videos and photos on the laptop of Hunter raping children. They won’t arrest Hunter though.

  3. Lord, make this man rich on Biden and Leftist money. Let billions of their dollars flow his way to the detriment of the progressive devils who defy You and blaspheme against You with their with their lies and pedophilia.
    Amen. PS send them all to hell the tip of a hot poker.


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