Netflix Hit with Shareholder Lawsuit Alleging Executives Misled Investors Amid Subscriber Exodus – IOTW Report

Netflix Hit with Shareholder Lawsuit Alleging Executives Misled Investors Amid Subscriber Exodus

Breitbart: As its stock tanks and its subscribers continue to flee, Netflix is now facing a shareholder lawsuit accusing the left-wing streamer of misleading investors about the difficulties the company was experiencing in retaining customers.

The lawsuit, which was filed Tuesday in a northern California federal court, covers Netflix shareholders who bought the stock between October 19, 2021 and April 19, 2022 — a period during which the value of the stock plummeted a stunning 67 percent.

“As a result of Defendants’ wrongful acts and omissions, and the precipitous decline in the market value of the Company’s securities, Plaintiff and other Class members have suffered significant losses and damages,” the court filing states.

The suit, which is being brought by a trustee of an entity called the Imperium Irrevocable Trust, cited public statements made by Netflix during its most recent third and fourth quarter earnings reports in which the company painted an optimistic picture of subscriber growth.

10 Comments on Netflix Hit with Shareholder Lawsuit Alleging Executives Misled Investors Amid Subscriber Exodus

  1. oBozo, aka King Merdas whose touch to anything to shit, STRIKES AGAIN!

    Come to think of it, biden* became Shitpants subsequent to his close friendship with his buttbuddy, he who would bring the Olympics to Shitcago.

  2. Business models of any paid-for streaming service makes zero sense once you realize everything they have to offer can be downloaded and played in full resolution on any device for the total price of.. FREE. It’s even more stupid when you consider paying subscribers aren’t able to play content at full resolution on devices that aren’t DRM compliant. A significant percentage of customers who pay also pirate video streams just to be able to watch their paid-for content in full resolution. With the proliferation of 4k, pirating is becoming more the norm rather than the exception. So far the answer to this problem has been to raise prices, but that’s a losing solution longer term.

    You know the whole industry is going to go down in flames with every media company on the face of the planet coming up with their “plus” packages. You’ll be paying several hundred (thousand?) dollars just to get the content you used to get with a typical cable package just a few years ago. It’s not sustainable for the average consumer and customer retention is increasingly more difficult.

  3. This is OT – but I just want to say about Amber Heard testimony that when she is supposedly “sobbing” on the witness stand – there are no actual tears coming out. It’s the actor’s version of crying. And for all her accusations of his being violent, she sure didn’t seem to be afraid of him when she would corner him and not let him leave when she wanted to fight, which seems to be constantly.

    Okay – now that’s off my chest.

  4. I pay for a streaming service, UP Faith and Family, but it’s around $40/year. I had Netflix at one point, but it had way too much shit I’d never watch, so I cancelled after the first year.

    There are so many free channels you can watch I don’t know why anyone pays for most of these streaming channels like Netflix and Amazon Prime. Amazon Prime is the biggest ripoff ever, one year I did their free trial around Christmas time and anytime I found an old movie I wanted to watch, you had to pay to watch it.

    I do though think UP Faith and Family is worth it because of the cartoons my grandkids can watch and I don’t have to worry about any queer shit or leftist shit.

  5. There are too many FREE channels (TUBI, Peacock, Roku, etc) that have good old classic movies & TV-Speculum offers nearly NOTHING that interests me now and has done been whittled down to internet provider only.


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