Florida District Fired ‘Pansexual’ Middle School Art Teacher After She Discussed Sexuality with Students – IOTW Report

Florida District Fired ‘Pansexual’ Middle School Art Teacher After She Discussed Sexuality with Students

Breitbart: A “pansexual” art teacher at a middle school in Florida says she has been fired for discussing her sexual orientation with her students, who then created flags representing their own sexuality and gender identities, which included transgender, non-binary, and gay. The Lee County School District told local media sources that she was fired for failing to follow the mandated curriculum.

“I was just being myself,” Casey Scott, who taught art at Trafalgar Middle School in Cape Coral, Florida, told NBC2. “A discussion happened in class, and because of that, now I’m fired.”

Scott explained that she had a discussion about sexuality with her students.

“A lot of the kid came up to me, like, ‘Oh, well I’m non-binary,’ and a couple kids said, ‘Oh, well I’m bi.’ One kid said they’re gay,” she said.

Scott said she told the students that she is “pansexual,” meaning, “I like anyone, despite male, female, non-binary, transgender.” more

63 Comments on Florida District Fired ‘Pansexual’ Middle School Art Teacher After She Discussed Sexuality with Students

  1. Unless they’re the parents, adults should not be discussing sex with children. Period. People who do are FU in the head and should not be anywhere near children.

  2. What makes teachers think “who they are” should matter to anyone but the “entity” they live with? STFU and teach kids what they need to know to be a contributing member of society, and pay for their own lives.

  3. Wake me when the headlines begin to read ‘Florida district fired upon deviant pervert middle school art teacher until she changed shape, burst into flames’.

  4. Scott said she told the students that she is “pansexual,” meaning, “I like anyone, despite male, female, non-binary, transgender.”

    IOW, you’re a whore.

  5. “A discussion happened in class, and because of that, now I’m fired.”

    A discussion, and you think it’s okay to discuss forbidden topics in your class room to young children? Gee, why not demonstrate how to do proper needle exchanges? Or how to use a condom properly? Why not show the kiddies porn, it’s a topic for discussion right?

  6. Just a tip for the “teachers” in that Breitbart Link if you are around real parents who suddenly find out this is going on in their child’s classes:

    1) Don’t wear glasses in their presence.

    2) Have the knowledge that your faces (especially the orbital eye sockets) are very breakable around angry parents.

    Not wishing any violent outcomes, but….

  7. I like pans, too. Bread pans, little pans, big pans, pans full of bacon — I ain’t never fucked a pan, though.

    It’s all a bit confusing.

  8. No bullshit, Burr. You see a copper pan, no, I mean a REAL copper pan in a store and think, “That’s tight, nigga!” Then you see the price tag and fall on the floor and bust your head.

  9. Pretty much.

    hey, you think I should take this job at the pot store? I don’t even smoke but I got offered a part time gig. Why? Fug if I know. Why did the rib place hire me?

    Anyway, just thought it would be funny to be the one non smoker selling weed and insults to stoners.

  10. I have boughten motorbikes, I mean real motorbikes that really worked until I crashed them, that cost less than that fucking copper pan.

  11. Lol.

    I’m serious though. It’s the place across from the auto window wholesaler. I don’t know a damn thing about modern weed except that it sucks and it comes in two parts nowadays. You got yer’ bud (sucks) and then this extract resin honey looking goop you put on top to make it actually work. (it doesn’t)

    I figure I’d last a week before I lose my cool and go off on some fat diabetic sour milk smellin’ mofo’.

  12. Pan, the Greek god, he was somewhat faggot, too (how can you be sorta a faggot? ask THEM). Kinda like a duck, or a goose. They fuck anything.

    Why are we talking about pans, again?

  13. I moved on to possibly sabotaging the pot store in the next town over.

    Really gonna’ need something to fill my time since I’m out of the auto restoration game for a while.

  14. I don’t know anything about that shit. Weed in my day was hay, or headbuster. They would both fuck you up, but one made you angry as fuck the next day, and the other you woke up feeling refreshed.

  15. Huh. I remember “working mans weed” which was flat and came from mesiko and then “bud” which was anything green and puffy.

    This new stuff… (long story)…is weird. Like it smells funny. Is engineered to specific THC levels and junk like that.

    NO WAY would any of this new crap sell back in the 90’s.

    This is why I want to grow some of my own to sell. All I hear are complaints about this new stuff but I think stoners are lazy or something because no one seems to be growing it themselves.

  16. Why am I taking a break? Had a bad customer. I also have some of my own projects that need attention.

    Figured I’d take a crap job for parts money for a while until I find something interesting to work on.

  17. WTF. We had shit like “Jeepers Creepers”, and “One Hit Wonder”. We sometimes mixed them in Camel Crushes. I was the only one in the ‘hood with a cigarette machine.

  18. Damn. Maybe you should take this gig. Everything does have stupid names nowadays. Not even sure if it’s different weed. Just goofy names in these heavy glass jars.

  19. This was long ago — before anything was legal. Just street names. The DC cats had little bags that had screen printed names.

    And some of it was bought in huge bags and were locally named.

  20. Well, need sliding door repair, new camper tent and some gaskets for the Bus. Muh 66 needs a new rear end. Tired of 3:5.

    And my Crown Vic needs an all new crushed velour purple interior.

    Not much. Couple, maybe 3 grand tops. By then I’m sure to have gotten over my butthurt and will be willing to work on junk that isn’t mine.

  21. Ohhhhhhh. D.C. That explains it. I ran into weed in S.F. in the 90’s. Only once did I ever see weed “packaged”. Dude was from marin and put iridescent bookmakers in these long Popsicle like plastic sleeves with his weed. Cops caught him in no time.

    People would just give me weed when I worked in the nightclubs. Then I’d give it to my roomie and keep whatever speed people gave me.

    Because speed, not weed, brings on the killing heat necessary for night time club work.

    Ah, youth.

  22. Maui Wowie, Acapulco Gold, Thai Sticks, Panama Red, Blond Lebanese, Columbian Gold, Afghani

    … stupid names from the ’70’s

    “No stems, no seeds that you don’t need Acapulco Gold is badass weed!”

  23. OK, calm down, now we’re getting somewhere. After all, I’m here to help.
    Crown Vick interior, those Elvis crushed velvet pictures are dirt cheap on Amazon. Buy them, skin them, glue them. Next.

    66 what?

  24. I don’t and never did fuck with uppers. My hands shake on 2 cups of proper french roast. And I told about 25 cats in Bell that they should be stomped to death. On record. “Film it for you mother, you motherfucking scumbag.”

    My boss calls me in…

  25. “Maui Wowie, Acapulco Gold, Thai Sticks, Panama Red”

    That’s hilarious. I thought those were lines from movies.

    In S.F. everything came from Marin. They got their seeds from India in the 70’s. So…Indica. Everything else was Mexican weed.

  26. Sorry Erik, you missed all the good Hitler strength clean speed from back in tha day. No grinding teeth. No shakes. Just pure blinding hate for anything on 2 to 4 legs.

    Man that was fun.

    But my car junk? Just needs some elbow grease and some ducets. My Y block won’t go over 5 thousand so I need to be more creative in getting it to go faster. My bus needs a full resto, which I’m doing. The Crown Vic is my Grape Ape so it’s gonna’ be pimped out. Like, a real pimp style ride with crushed velour. Teaching my son to paint it over the summer.

  27. loved thai sticks … heavily resinated, quick buzz. Maui actually came from Hawaii (lotta fake shit back then, too), Columbia was what we usually scored

    used to sell the local ‘brown’* to High School dweebs back in my ’60’s Jr. High

    *’brown’ – crushed dead local tree leaves & the stems & seeds thrown away from sifting 4-finger bags on our Led Zepplin albums … I can still smell that stuff on my Led Zepp I

  28. You guys should go to your local pot store. I finally did this weak with Kenny. I can give you the blow by blow….but it was sorta like going to a dentists office.

    Plus…….I have no idea what half the stuff is behind the counter. I did buy a pack of rolling papers that has ‘TELL YOUR MOM I’LL BE THERE AT 10:00’ printed on them.

    The weirdest stuff are these liquid cartridges that go in vaping pens I think.

  29. Typo. Meh.

    But if you’re all hyped about cars, send me some money so I can go buy a shell and make a old timey truck for Ghost.

  30. Lol.

    Every time I bring it up…….crickets. Crickets and a quickly fading dust cloud.


    :takes last drag off cig. Drops butt, crushes it out with boot heel:

  31. Hey, numpty. I already did. All I want to do is build a ride for the dudes family. I don’t care if they drive it, sell it, or bury it.

    Happy to give you the complete story with additional pictures…again. If anyone so desires.

  32. Jesus wept.

    O.K. give me a minute to go get an adult libation.

    Also,inbox…..I don’t think I’ve checked my mail since 2019.

  33. “The sea was angry that day my friends, like an old man trying to return soup at a deli.”

    I was already cranky, having dealt with various and assorted asshats, fuck knuckles and joyless nipple pinchers throughout the day. That was the day Ghost showed up. In full regalia with his complete handle. Basically I couldn’t give him what he wanted, verbal repartee with an 18th century twist. So we started off poorly.

    After some ups and downs he revealed his love of old vehicles and trucks. He desired a green Ford pickup from the 70’s. I found him one immediately. He balked, and in doing so, offered me great insult.

    Then he shook off this mortal coil. Totally not my fault.

    I have unfinished business with the fellow. It would satisfy me immensely to be able to balance this spiritual debt with an offering of sheet metal and Detroit iron.

  34. No idea what any of that Chinaman talk means.

    Initially he desired something like this.
    https://flagstaff.craigslist.org/cto/d/camp-verde-1966-ford-f100/7479498028.html Astonishing resemblance to my own truck, sans the gaywad wheels.

    My new idea is to name the jalopy after him and build something sorta like this.

    Starting with a shell. Then a suitable frame. Then an engine and 4 or 5 wheels. Possibly hardtop possibly convertible. Basic. Fast. Fun.


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