Proxy War Update, Russia Targeting U.S. Military Equipment Arriving in Ukraine, Apparently with Some Success – IOTW Report

Proxy War Update, Russia Targeting U.S. Military Equipment Arriving in Ukraine, Apparently with Some Success


It doesn’t sound like a very complex military strategy on the part of Russia actually. As the U.S. weapons convoys are pushed from Western Ukraine toward Eastern Ukraine (Donbas region) the Russians identify the locations and blow them up with cruise missiles.

It remains difficult to locate solid reporting on the ongoing Ukraine conflict, but somewhere between the western media disinformation about the heroic efforts to fight back – and the Russian claims of advanced success in the region, the truth must exist.  The challenge is finding the accurate information.

According to Reuters, “Russia’s defense ministry on Saturday said it had destroyed a large stockpile of military equipment from the United States and European countries near the Bohodukhiv railway station in Ukraine’s Kharkiv region. The ministry said it had hit 18 Ukrainian military facilities overnight, including three ammunition depots in Dachne, near the port city of Odesa.”  France24 seems to confirm this report. MORE HERE

13 Comments on Proxy War Update, Russia Targeting U.S. Military Equipment Arriving in Ukraine, Apparently with Some Success

  1. Doesn’t bother me one damn bit. If Russia successfully makes Biden look like more of a buffoon then have at it.

    What Russia should do is take the weapons and give them to the Ukrainian citizens and watch who they target. The world would wake up.

  2. What Putin forgot is that dumbfukpedo biden had the foresight to stockpile a shit load of equip in Afganashithole…all they have to do is go take it from the ragheads!

  3. US Intelligence likely giving Russia the coordinates. So companies have to make more, the military industrial complex gets richer, and so do the politicians.
    But I’m left out of the loop…

  4. Sure thing, in less than 6 months, sad Vlad will be beggin China for more crappy fire power, yep it blows up real good, will be poppin their tops faster than his battlebot tanks. You sunk my battleship.

  5. Unfortunately the US is notorious for leaving their military equipment behind. Sometimes for the good, like Germany and Kuwait. And sometimes for the bad, like Afghanistan.

    I have a buddy in Kuwait that has a job a a Army contractor. His job is to do a pre-trip inspection of Abrams tanks, crank them, run them up to operating temp, and move it 20 feet forward or backward then shut it down and do a post run inspection. He reports any issues and they get fixed. He has been doing this since 2005 and has made a six figure salary doing it.


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