Your textbooks are wrong — this is what cells actually look like – IOTW Report

Your textbooks are wrong — this is what cells actually look like

Yeah, but what pronouns do they respond to? Because that’s what’s really important nowadays.

12 Comments on Your textbooks are wrong — this is what cells actually look like

  1. More proof that YHVH created life. Something so complex that functions so intricately and exquisitely at the scale of microns as a single unit of a fully interconnected cellular “network” such as a human body simply could not have been created by happenstance as the theory of evolution conjectures. Nope, this was created by design and the designer was God Himself. The more that is learned about life, this should become more and more undeniable to any person capable of reason and critical thought.

  2. Religion and science are not mutually exclusive; scientists throughout history have credited God with His Existence. It has only been since the late 19th century that scientists’ egos became demi gods.

  3. I read a story a few years ago about a science teacher pulling a picture off the internet of a single-cell organism and using it on an exam.
    Neither the teacher nor most of the students realized it was a screen shot from an episode of the original Star Trek where Kirk and crew battled a planet-sized cell. On the test the picture was B&W and most of the class identified the Enterprise as mitocondria.

  4. Peter the Bubblehead
    MAY 9, 2022 AT 8:04 AM

    “On the test the picture was B&W and most of the class identified the Enterprise as mitocondria.”

    …that’s funny right there.

    …especially when everyone SHOULD know the Enterprise’s biological role is to circle Uranus to wipe out Klingons…

  5. Wasn’t it just a couple of weeks ago, here on IOTW, that an article stating that “Scientists Were Wrong, There’s No Water On Mars.” Well, here’s another thing they were wrong about. That was the question I asked. No one can explain God’s creation, it’s way over our intellect. After living through this planned death jab, it’s made me double down on no believing in what “modern science” has to say.

  6. Wrong Again! For the longest time, scientists believed, and our textbooks taught, that the human embryo grows through stages that parallel evolution — My childhood textbook actually had a drawing of a fetal lizard and then a fetal chicken, growing into a fetal human! This was /SCIENCE/! Everyone agreed! Ha!
    This is why I don’t trust the Science or Medicine industrial complexes.


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