BLM linked ad agency pushes Liz Cheney on Democrats – IOTW Report

BLM linked ad agency pushes Liz Cheney on Democrats

Biden and BLM Ad Agency Is Promoting Angry Liz Cheney to Democrats in Wyoming.

You can judge a person by the company they keep and this is true of Liz Cheney. She joined up with Democrats in voting for the impeachment of President Trump, based solely on lies. She then teamed up with Nancy Pelosi to form the J6 Committee, whose very makeup violate House rules. But the Democrats view rules the same way they view laws. When they get in their way, they just break them.

Now, Cheney has hired a firm to run her reelection campaign that has far-left clients such as Joe Biden and BLM. They are promoting Cheney to Democrats in Wyoming. The Democrats know they can’t elect a Democrat in that state, but they are hoping with Democratic voting and gullible Republicans, they can elect a RINO. She could very well be the first Republican ever to caucus with the Democrats. more

9 Comments on BLM linked ad agency pushes Liz Cheney on Democrats

  1. Easiest job any ad agency ever had.

    -Name recognition.
    -Ugly female.
    -Lies incessantly about anyone opposed to Communism.
    -Willing to use the full force of government to silence and persecute anyone she doesn’t like.

    …seems like a perfect fit for Democrats to ME…

  2. It’s in the blood. Her leftist dad voted with the losers against Ronny’s tax reform in ’86. Ronny hating Presidents named George rewarded him handsomely! Bush1 mad him SecDef. Bush2 made him VP.

    Proves i have been right for decades! Bush Republicans are Dem FIFTH

    Should shock no one. GWB praised BLM to the high heavens at a n elect Joe rally in Atlanta 7/21. GWB has held many rallies for Liz in TX lately.

    Bush folk are leftist Democrats!

  3. ALL of the bowel lickers movement are PAID by the dark-web dark-money democrats and accomplices such as the fat-azzed Cheney creature and are used to their (dems) benefit. Those bowel lickers better never complain (again) about any race supremacy and plantations ever again. Money is their master and god, and a devious trick of the devil who targets the greed factor and the uber-gullible.

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