GoFundMe Shuts Down Fundraiser for 8-Year-Old Suspected Vaccine Injury Victim – IOTW Report

GoFundMe Shuts Down Fundraiser for 8-Year-Old Suspected Vaccine Injury Victim

National File

Crowdfunding giant GoFundMe suspended a fundraising campaign for an 8-year-old girl who began to experience debilitating brain injuries just weeks after receiving a dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine. The child’s mother, Jennifer Jones, strongly believes that the child’s injury is vaccine related, according to a report from Frontline News.

On Tuesday, Frontline News reported on the severe vaccine injuries suffered by 8-year-old Ryleigh Jones. Just week after receiving one injection of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, the child lost her ability to walk. She also experienced shortness of breath and chest pain and began to suffer from “sudden episodes of psychotic rages and blackouts and has suffered significant memory loss.”

Jennifer Jones, Ryleigh mother, took her daughter to VCU Medical Center in Richmond, Virginia on 11 occasions over the span of two months. According to Frontline News, doctors refused to investigate a link between Ryleigh’s rapidly deteriorating condition and the injection.

19 Comments on GoFundMe Shuts Down Fundraiser for 8-Year-Old Suspected Vaccine Injury Victim

  1. The only solution is to have conservative versions of everything.
    We can’t count on billionaires buying everything.

    I just read that a woman walking her dog in LA found 100 mail-in ballots for the California primary.

    The only way to defeat this is for the right to cheat as well, only better.
    When we win with 500 million total votes and only 300 million eligible voters perhaps shit will change?

  2. @LocoBlancoSaltine May 10, 2022 at 2:01 am

    > The only solution is to have conservative versions of everything.

    The only solution, is to use the same methods the cartels, the pædos, and the Bidens use. To transfer money.

    Conservatives(TM) “think” that’s… icky.

  3. Do as you are told or suffer the consequences: Soviet Union.
    Do as you are told or suffer the consequences: Nazi Germany.
    Do as you are told or suffer the consequences: America today.

  4. “According to Frontline News, doctors refused to investigate a link between Ryleigh’s rapidly deteriorating condition and the injection.”

    This is what’s most disturbing: DOCTORS?????. Fuck.

  5. Sad for the little girl on every level. She is diagnosed with Functional Neurological Disorder, which must run in her family. What were the parents thinking when they had the little girl jabbed?

  6. More “let’s go brandon”s please. One for vaccine injury, one for 2000 MULES, every thing else that’s truthful. Exposure to the truth is difficult for the disposition of the Demoncrat. They shriek and howl like the light of the sun melts them, akin to blood suckers of lore.

  7. There’s thousands more like the girl out there suffering. Many dead, injured for life. It will keep going this way. Too late for most to wake up. I’m noticing less and less people around, in my ventures each day. People I knew had medical issues, got the jab, saw them a couple of times after the jab and I think they’re now dead. No reimbursement for anyone because YOU VOLUNTEERED. Plenty of money to help the illegals.

  8. Mystery May 10, 2022 at 7:15 am

    Sad for the little girl on every level. She is diagnosed with Functional Neurological Disorder, which must run in her family. What were the parents thinking when they had the little girl jabbed?

    Proverbs 14:12: The Wise Woman

    The house of the wicked will be destroyed, but the tent of the upright will flourish. 12There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death. 13Even in laughter the heart may ache, and joy may end in sorrow.…
    Berean Study Bible

  9. Although I think GoFundMe sucks balls, in this particular case, the policy is correct because what validation is there that this woman isn’t just trying to grift funds from people who are pissed off about the vaccines? She can’t prove the vaccines are messing up her daughter. She could just say her daughter is sick and leave it at that. But, by bringing the vaccine issue in, she engaging in rhetoric that sounds suspiciously like political grifting. Of course, we all know that those cunts at GoFuckMe don’t apply this rule equitably, which is why I have nothing to do with them.

    I have an older sister, who is a moronic sociopath. Her daughter attended a college in the midwest on student loans and sadly pissed away her opportunity by majoring in womens studies, a major we all know is completely fucking worthless. Ten years on, my niece is still waitressing at Applebees which will likely be her lot in life forever.

    My asshole sister decided one day that she was gonna setup a GoFundMe page ostensibly to “help” her daughter pay off her student loans (something she was already doing on her own). My sister, being the moron she is, posted the page on Facebook where her daughter saw it and was mortified. She requested her mother take the page down. The requests were ignored. So, I had to call my sister and tell her in very blunt language (in the order of “Listen, you stupid cunt. Take that fucking page down now or get a visit from the bunko squad.”).

    My sister is such an asshole that she didn’t even get the name of the college right. FFS.

  10. GoFundMe isn’t claiming they vet all campaigns or they’d be sued out of existence. It is up to people to decide who and what to support and vet those groups themselves. There are many people asking for help with medical costs for themselves, kids, pets etc. They are leftist thugs and proved that during the Canadian trucker event when they seized funds and initially claimed they’d redistribute as they saw fit until they realized they’d be buried in lawsuits.
    GiveSendGo is a much better option. Prayers to the girl – I wish parents would just wait when it comes to these shots.

  11. And yet my niece is collecting off her dead firefighting boyfriends gofundme. The guy OD’ed on cocaine. Why does his gofundme deserve a $100,000 goal? They’ve collected $25,000 so far and now the exwife and my niece are fighting over the money. He has children from a previous marriage that the ex is collecting the gofundme for. Fighting over money, the house, the pension, the life insurance. So far my niece got a new BMW over it. Gofundme is a cash cow for many.


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