Magpie Whisperer – IOTW Report

Magpie Whisperer

Magpies are so playful!

h/t Doc

14 Comments on Magpie Whisperer

  1. Love magpies! Saw a bunch on my hike yesterday, probably dining on all the noisy grasshoppers.
    My dad trained a blue jay to sit on his hand in exchange for a peanut, and he would do it for me as well. I wouldn’t let go of the peanut at first, and he would peck at my thumb until I let go. Then he would bury it in the parkway grass… and I would retrieve it! And feed it to him again.

  2. Where’s Heckel and Jeckel when you need them? This Australian lady has all the potential to turn into a crazy magpie lady. I don’t think that she has any cats. I like magpies at a distance, I prefer to see crows or ravens. Is she like a female Elijah who gets the magpies to feed her like Elijah did with ravens sent by God.

  3. @Left Coast Dan: We hike everyday, our first stop I put peanuts out for the wildlife. They’re waiting every morning for us to show up. Cleaning the gutter out is fun – lots of hidden peanuts in them. Magpies are a member of the crow family – the same as the Jays. Very intelligent birds.

  4. She’s lucky to have them to keep her sane. Much better (and more intelligent) company then most people.

  5. When I was on disability for a broken femur, I would sit out in the backyard and feed peanuts to a extended family of blue jays that nested in a nearby tree. After a while they would walk right up to me. One of them would sit on a telephone wire, and I would throw a peanut in the air and it would swoop down to catch it. They kept returning every year until the tree that they nested in came down in a wind storm.


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