Panel rules Soros-backed prosecutor violated multiple ethics rules in pursuit of ex-Gov. Greitens – IOTW Report

Panel rules Soros-backed prosecutor violated multiple ethics rules in pursuit of ex-Gov. Greitens


In an extraordinary rebuke to a prosecutor, a Missouri legal disciplinary panel on Tuesday concluded St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kimberly Gardner violated multiple legal ethics rules in her failed pursuit of a criminal case against ex-Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens in 2018.

The panel ruled Gardner, whose campaign for St. Louis’ chief prosecutor job was bankrolled by liberal mega-donor George Soros, should receive a public remand for transgressions that included withholding exculpatory evidence from Greitens’ defense and failing to correct a false court filing.

The recommendation, which follows a deal between Gardner and the lawyers disciplinary counsel, now heads to the Missouri Supreme Court. more

13 Comments on Panel rules Soros-backed prosecutor violated multiple ethics rules in pursuit of ex-Gov. Greitens

  1. Words, just a bunch of words.
    Wake me up when the b+++h is removed from office, arrested, jailed, tried, found guilty, sentenced, her assets (other then her ass – leave that for Strap On Sally, Daisy Dyke and Blowjob Betty) seized, and imprisoned.
    Oh, and all her prior cases reviewed and reversed.

    Otherwise, don’t bother me.

  2. And in other breaking news!
    Water is wet! Fire is hot!
    The sun rises in the east!

  3. @burr, I got that reference right away!

    Love King Crimson!

    Got to see Stick Men (ex-KC members Pat Mastelotto & Tony Levin) earler this month – great show!

  4. The Missouri Supreme Court? The court whose prinxesses accept all her other “work product”? At face value?

    That’s outrageous!? She needs to be “investigated” by FISC!

  5. I just don’t understand why today’s law abiding Patriot Americans don’t do something to stop this madness . Stop waiting for someone else to fire the first shot , so to speak. It’s an easy fix and I guarantee ALL the good ol boys and Deplorables would have no problem doing it And it’s a peaceful way. In all the states , STOP going to work , call your mortgage and all the Bill people you owe money to. And let them know your not working and if they don’t help , have the courage to shake it off and just do it . George Washington’’s Deplorables had no Shoes and fought the British in the bitter cold snow AND WON!!!! You gotta hit these POS in the pocket . But sadly , no ones ready to part with all they’re toys. 😢

  6. Public Reprimand, SERIOUSLY! How about paying for his legal fees out of her own pocket, how about at least suspension without pay. Oh and BTW, where does Greitens go to get his reputation back? A public reprimand will, at best, make the bottom of page 75 in the NYT. Its past time to bring back public stocks for these people.

  7. @Left Coast Dan May 11, 2022 at 8:22 am

    > And that’s all that mattered.

    The sign, right above the table, says “Heads they win. Tails you lose.” And, the newer, smaller, sign, under it, reads “But nothing counts against your gubbamint gibs, if you agree by playing.”

    How many of those that walk away, will you paint a target on? For those gubbamint gibs? How many of those that make your 401k worth less, will you paint a target on? For those gubbamint gibs? How many that disrespect the “private” property you rent from the gubbamint, will you paint a target on? For those gubbamint gibs?

    Millions, and millions, of people. Finding a few willing to do your topline “plan”, won’t even be challenging. Oh? And they have to pay for the opportunity? Now the number is dropping. And! And. They have to make the lies you were told, come true? And pay for the privilege? Still millions, and millions, of people. But centuries on, I still don’t see any takers. Hmm… That’s weird.


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