European Union drops air travel mask mandate starting next week – IOTW Report

European Union drops air travel mask mandate starting next week


European Union agencies announced Wednesday that the bloc will no longer require masks in airports and on planes starting next week.

The new guidance drops “the recommendation for mandatory wearing of medical masks in airports and on board a flight, while noting that a face mask is still one of the best protections against the transmission of COVID-19,” the European Union Aviation Safety Agency and European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control explained in a statement.

The update to the Aviation Health Safety Protocol also includes recommendations to relax the “more stringent measures” in travel, such as not enforcing social distancing when it would “very likely lead to a bottleneck in another location,” the EU stated. read more

3 Comments on European Union drops air travel mask mandate starting next week

  1. “… while noting that a face mask is still one of the best protections against the transmission of COVID-19 …”

    “One of the best?” That isn’t even English. It’s meaningless. No mask which can be breathed through will stop a virus – says so on the box.

    The proof is in the number of people who came down with the Wuhan Flu while wearing the stupid masks. They continue to lie and deceive even while pulling back on their tyranny.

    And why wait until next week? Does the virus have a schedule? BULLSHIT.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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