Whitmer Hoax Defendant: ‘We Beat Them. We Got Justice’ – IOTW Report

Whitmer Hoax Defendant: ‘We Beat Them. We Got Justice’

American Greatness:
Julie Kelly

On October 13, 2020, a judge denied Brandon Caserta’s release from custody less than a week after federal authorities arrested him at his workplace for conspiring to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. U.S. Magistrate Judge Sally Berens, relying mostly on evidence produced by the Justice Department, ruled Caserta posed a danger to the community and would be held awaiting trial.

While acknowledging Caserta broke no law by attending field training events in 2020—exercises organized by FBI agents and informants—Berens focused on texts posted by Caserta in an encrypted group chat that allegedly discussed threats against law enforcement.

According to the government, one message said, “I’m taking out as many of those motherfuckers as I can,” referring to police officers. Calling the charge against Caserta a “very serious and dangerous offense,” Berens concluded that prosecutors had presented “clear and convincing evidence that there is no condition or combination of conditions that will reasonably assure the safety of the community or of other persons.”

Caserta spent the next 18 months in the Newaygo County Prison in White Cloud, Michigan. “I had everything taken away from me,” Caserta told American Greatness this week. “Time just stopped. My main focus became the case.”

After determining Caserta could not afford to hire a private attorney, Judge Berens appointed Michael Hills, a Kalmazoo defense attorney, to represent him. Hills immediately got to work. The government did not turn over all its discovery until June 2021—and that’s when the central role of the FBI came into focus. more

7 Comments on Whitmer Hoax Defendant: ‘We Beat Them. We Got Justice’

  1. Best wishes on “beating them.” Preferably, the perpetrators to the top get a sentence at least as long as the highest for which you were falsely accused. Barring that, perhaps the option to literally beat them… (Oops, wrong society).

    But, again, where do you go to get your reputation back?

  2. Whitmer Hoax Defendant: ‘We Beat Them. We Got Justice’

    The Party attacked him. The Party declared itself all Good(TM). The attacked wishes us all to applaud. The Party’s Goodness(TM). Oh. And throw money. Because he Won(TM).

    I’m guessing we’ve found the ring leader.

  3. Whitmer looks like she’d be a double handful trying to capture. Of course looks can be deceiving. She might not be a vicious cartoon super villain after all.

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