‘No one should be pro-abortion!’ Maher accuses Dems of moving away from ‘safe, legal and rare’ – IOTW Report

‘No one should be pro-abortion!’ Maher accuses Dems of moving away from ‘safe, legal and rare’


HBO “Real Time” host Bill Maher smacked Democrats on Friday during his show for moving away from their former position of “safe, legal, and rare” on abortion and attempting to ditch the label “pro-choice” for the more graphic term “pro-abortion.”

Maher cited the Clinton-era leftist abortion mantra of “safe, legal, and rare,” arguing “that’s not where the Democrats are now” and that they “don’t say that anymore.” He then proceeded to blast the pro-choice caucus in the House, suggesting they change “choice” to “decision” and potentially use “pro-abortion” instead.

He flatly stated that “No one should be pro-abortion.” more

7 Comments on ‘No one should be pro-abortion!’ Maher accuses Dems of moving away from ‘safe, legal and rare’

  1. Just keeping the natives stirred up. To keep MSM focused on something other than what they are really doing.
    Planned Parenthood is a huge money machine. $530 million in US government funding. 193 countries.
    Some of the founders visions, including, “We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population,”


  2. that’s not where the Democrats are now

    They weren’t looking for legalized pederasty, then, either. Right, Bill?

    (wink, wink, nudge, nudge)

  3. The mole man apparently isn’t a hard core leftist ideologue. He’s beginning to appear to be a long time dupe who’s waking up to the scam. Good, awaken, become an independent, thinking human being. Better late than never.

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