Twitter introduces new policy, will black-hole some speech containing “misinformation” – IOTW Report

Twitter introduces new policy, will black-hole some speech containing “misinformation”

Reclaim the Net: Twitter users will not be able to like, respond to, or forward any tweet that receives a warning label, essentially putting a tweet into a black hole on the platform.

Social media giant Twitter has introduced its newest censorship policies aimed at fighting against what it calls “misinformation,” especially those stories with potentially harmful or dangerous content, and its new system leaves the tech giant as the determinator of what constitutes “misinformation.”

These new policies are part of the platform’s broad efforts to provide users with what it calls accurate information, especially in times of crisis.

The new misinformation censorship policy will allow Twitter to limit the spread of “misleading” information about various crises including international conflicts, wars, false allegations, natural disasters, and other humanitarian issues.

The alleged goal is to control the spread of tweets that contain misleading information, by blocking potentially deceptive information from appearing in Twitter’s search or even in the platform’s timeline. more here

10 Comments on Twitter introduces new policy, will black-hole some speech containing “misinformation”

  1. I believe their actions show confidence that, regardless of Musk’s potential ownership, these restrictions will hold and increase. The momentum is building toward censorship. The Misinformation Board is only paused. It will happen and internet executives are clamoring for more control over user content — as long as that control is by Democrats. They want it in place before the campaigns start in earnest in July, both for the mid-term and the 2024 presidential elections.

    Keep in mind that the DoJ and the Jan 6 Commission are dead set on pursuing prosecution of Republicans, high profile and otherwise, and will try to invoke sections 2 and 3 of the 14th Amendment. They have already tried and failed a couple times, but they will keep at it until they get their way. DoJ prosecutions may be what they have been lacking to get the “proper” judgements.

  2. Twitter: A dirty den that smells of Holier-Than-Thou Leftist Group-Think!
    That New York Times newspaper at the bottom of the bird cage hasn’t been changed in years!

  3. Just in time for the lying f’s mid-miss-info election. Excellent, need to crack down on those dirty mofo’s spreading, lies, hate & fake info.
    Come on Elon, we need our 1 billion, to make Twitter a better place.


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