Wisconsin man celebrates 50 years of eating Big Macs daily – IOTW Report

Wisconsin man celebrates 50 years of eating Big Macs daily

MSN: A Wisconsin man has been eating the fast food burger almost every day for the last 50 years and has gulped down nearly 33,000 of them since 1972, according to the dailymail.com.

“There’s really nothing else I’d rather eat,” said Don Gorske, 68, from Fond du Lac, who’s been averaging two Big Macs daily since his first one on May 17, 1972.

He holds the Guinness World Records title for the most Big Mac burgers eaten in a lifetime after first setting the record in 1999 at 15,490 burgers consumed. more

P.S. Speaking of celebrating…Happy Birthday, Loco Blanco Saltine!
We hope you’re eating somewhere better than McDonald’s today!

30 Comments on Wisconsin man celebrates 50 years of eating Big Macs daily

  1. Happy Birthday Loco.

    May the Lord bless and strengthen you for the coming year, fill your days with happiness and your nights with joy, guide and protect you and your family and grant you health and peace and a praise in your heart in His mercy and love.

    In Jesus’s name I pray,

    God Bless,

  2. TN Tuxedo
    MAY 20, 2022 AT 1:12 PM
    “For perspective:

    His first Big Mac was consumed while Nixon was still president—before Watergate!”


    Back when the fries were, you know, GOOD.

  3. TN Tuxedo
    MAY 20, 2022 AT 1:12 PM
    “For perspective:

    His first Big Mac was consumed while Nixon was still president—before Watergate!”

    …and in all that time, the ice cream machine has never been fixed…

  4. LocoBlancoSaltine MAY 20, 2022 AT 2:37 PM
    “It’s my birthday and all I get is a little blurb in a McDonald’s post?

    Not lovin’ it…”

    …Chin up, li’l Loco, it could be worse.

    I didn’t get MINE mentioned AT ALL, but that’s at least in part because I didn’t tell anyone when it is. Gotta have SOME secrets, even online, nicht wahr? I’m not a huge fan of birthdays anyway, everyone can VERY easily see that I’m aging horribly, I don’t need to set the house on fire to punctuate it.

    …but there ARE worse ways you can celebrate your birthday.

    I was invited to a party on my birthday, but not FOR my birthday, you understand, back in the day when I still had knees, hope, and a cute li’l girlfreind (NOT the current Mrs. SNS), who said she’d meet me at the party.

    She sure did.

    With her boyfreind.

    …I didn’t stay too long after that, too busy after being thrown out for being kinda punchy driving around looking for high bridges. Went to some sewer pipes I used to fish from in the local park and climbed out on them to contemplate what I figured would be an EXTREMELY short future without her, only to have some park ranger interrupt my pity party with nonsense stupid stuff like “Why you on a sewer pipe in the dark? Why you on a sewer pipe over a lake? Why you on a sewer pipe at ALL?” You know, irrelevant stuff like that. I didn’t give him much so he couldn’t red tag me and he probably figured a trespassing arrest and upset parents wouldn’t help, but I was pretty obviously not a happy camper so he didn’t want me on his pipe any more.

    …long story short, dude made me decamp from my pipe and drove home behind me, which was actually outside of the park, and saw that I went inside. Probably saved my life, for better or worse. God’s a weird guy, the way he puts people in your way like that, and God bless that ranger wherever HE is 40 odd years later…

    …so yes, birthdays do suck, and sharing yours with Ronald may not be a day maker, but always remember the Lord remembers if no one else does, and it’s never wrong to rejoice in the celebration of the day He had your mother give you life…


    Enjoy your day with freinds and family, and know you’re appreicated here.

    God Bless,

  5. LocoBlancoSaltine MAY 20, 2022 AT 2:37 PM
    “It’s my birthday and all I get is a little blurb in a McDonald’s post?”

    …also, you COULD have been put on the wig pooper post instead, and shared a thread with literal feces.

    Just sayin’…

  6. LBS

    I’ll down a shot of tequila in your honor! May you live forever and may I live to read about it.

    On second thought, with the way the world’s going I may just look down on you living forever! Or up as could be the case.

  7. ya he should really be proud of eating McD’s China-imported dog meat. He’s probably the one who’s spreading around their China-Pentagon-Ukraine weaponized “monkeypox” venereal disease.

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