Dem Rep. Beatty blames White supremacy for Dallas Korean hair salon shooting, but suspect is Black – IOTW Report

Dem Rep. Beatty blames White supremacy for Dallas Korean hair salon shooting, but suspect is Black

FOX: The chairwoman of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) blamed White supremacy for last week’s shooting at a Dallas Korean hair salon, but the suspect charged with carrying out the attack is Black.

Rep. Joyce Beatty, D-Ohio, made the claim at a Thursday press conference outside the Capitol that saw House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., in attendance.

“On Monday, three people in a Korean-owned hair salon in Dallas were gunned by yet another White supremacy replacement theorist,” Beatty said to the assembled crowd. more

14 Comments on Dem Rep. Beatty blames White supremacy for Dallas Korean hair salon shooting, but suspect is Black

  1. They’re slapping “White Supremacy” on everything and everybody – roads, bridges, buildings, grass, trees, etc. Even People Of Color! It’s beyond preposterous now. So much so that I hope even The Stupids can see how stupid this is!

  2. She’s in with the flat earth wackos and we can only go to the sun at night. I often ask myself who did they get elected? If everything is BIG in Texas, I guess they have the biggest liars as well. See, they’re not all in California.

  3. …just for the hell of it, if we pretend for a moment that this is correct, that it WAS Whitey Cracker KKK Honkey The Third and he was unloading on Asians because he’s brim-full of hate…

    …what would she propose to DO about it?

    Jail Trump, obviously.

    Complete Democrat control of speech, certainly.

    Only Democrat loyalist allowed to keep and bear arms, undoubtedly.

    But what else?

    Re-education camps for White people?

    Concentration camps?


    A thousand White people executed for every Black or Asian person shot?


    …they CLEARLY hate White people for their skin color, and are on the record as saying White people are irredeemably, eternally, genetically racist.

    If they BELIEVE that, wouldn’t the logical next step be extermination?

    …so even if her statement were true, what’s her END game? What’s her POINT?

    …what is, shall we say, her FINAL SOLUTION?

    Everything I wrote above has been done by governments in the past, that and more.

    Our government differs in only one way.

    They have better weapons.

    Don’t say it can’t happen here.

    Because it already is.

  4. Haven’t you heard? Any hate crime done by blacks is whitey’s fault because the official government position is that black people can never by racist motherfuckers, and that especially includes the segment of black people who are racist motherfuckers.


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