Durham Calls On Former New York Times Journalist To Answer All Questions In Sussmann Trial – IOTW Report

Durham Calls On Former New York Times Journalist To Answer All Questions In Sussmann Trial

The New York Times is the premier outlet for manufacturing state consent…

This is where all the illusory ‘prestige’ of the paper comes from, it isn’t that they do groundbreaking reporting, it isn’t even that they are the first outlet to market with a story…It is purely because they are the instrument of choice for the state.

As an outlet, the New York Times relentlessly attacked President Trump, conservative Americans, and suppressed the Hunter Biden story, all of this is only accounting for the last 5-6 years, it says nothing of their previous duplicity…

Like manufacturing consent for the invasion of Vietnam, or helping to lie us into the 2003 Iraq War.

It should come as no surprise then that the outlet was, along with The Washington Post, the main peddler of the now debunked Russia collusion hoax…

New York Times ‘journalists’ helped to catalyze one of the most vicious lies of our times—a revered tradition at the paper.

This is not to say that everything the paper prints is a lie, after all, former New York Times journalist Eric Lichtblau did write this in 2016: MORE h/t Brad.

6 Comments on Durham Calls On Former New York Times Journalist To Answer All Questions In Sussmann Trial

  1. I’m confused by the headline. Does it mean that the person is no longer employed by NYT, or that any contributor at NYT is no longer considered a journalist?

  2. “NYT Reporter Eric Lichtblau requests his testimony in the case be limited.”




  3. Funny, but I can imagine the swamp thinking that they’ll all go down if Hillary Clinton turns rat to save her hide. Look for Hillary Clinton to die soon.


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