Tensions rise between DOJ, Jan. 6 panel – IOTW Report

Tensions rise between DOJ, Jan. 6 panel

Pacific Pundit: Seems to DOJ and the communists on the so called January 6th “panel” formed by Pelosi aren’t getting along these days. Tensions are rising between the DOJ and the communist/RINO panel as it seems to be going nowhere these days. Hey Liz Cheney and Kinzinger. I hope it was worth it for you throwing away your political careers.

After weeks of airing concerns the Justice Department may not be moving aggressively enough to prosecute former President Trump and others in his orbit, lawmakers on the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack met the department’s request for assistance with an interesting response: Not so fast.

The Justice Department has asked the committee to share some of its materials, sending a letter noting that some of its work “may contain information relevant to a criminal investigation we are conducting.” MORE

9 Comments on Tensions rise between DOJ, Jan. 6 panel

  1. Stealing the election from president Trump wasn’t enough, they want to prosecute him for non-existent crimes, but the Jan 6 committee can’t seem to find anything from which they can fabricate a crime. These people aren’t even “good” at communism.

  2. I’m assuming that if the GOP retakes the House in November, they will move swiftly to dissolve the execrable J6 inquisition, certainly no later than January 2023. Am I wrong to make that assumption? If I am wrong, then why would we put the GOP back in charge?

    If the GOP wins, there must be an investigation of the DOJ and Garland’s Archipelago, and the Congressional members should take a personal interest in the cases of the J6 detainees who are constituents in their respective districts. The normal spending and corruption are bad, but the J6 political prisoners are an unacceptable and direct assault on our Bill of Rights.

    A nitpick turf war between Congress and the DOJ over whose boot should be on the neck is nothing special. If we’re descending to the third world, let’s see a real shooting war between the Capitol Police and the FBI.

  3. For me, the big question is “when”. When will we put a stop to the outrageous waste of taxpayer funds and tell these clowns to pack up their tents and move along? A very close second is when are they going to release the political prisoners currently being held hostage?

  4. Shemay not be “. I hope it was worth it for you throwing away your political careers.”

    kHe Ronny hating dad voted wioth the far left IN DEFEAT against Ronny’s ’86 tax reform.

    2 leftist presidents named George rewarded him handsomely!
    Leftist #1 made him Sec Def.

    Leftist #2 made him VP!

    If Pence and the WOKE GOPe take control of the GOP, she. LIKE HER RONNY HATING DAD, will have a rich crreer.


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