One-third of Americans say their Memorial Day plans were affected by high gas prices in President Biden’s America, an Emerson College survey released this week found.
The survey found a majority, 52 percent, disapproving of Biden’s job performance as the country experiences rampant inflation and record-high gas prices:
The economy is the top concern for 49% of voters, followed by crime with 12% and healthcare at 11%. Since the April national poll, the economy and crime have risen nine points respectively.
Unfortunately (or fortunately) I have to move all my crap from Oregon to Arizona this summer. 1000 miles, at least 3 trips. FJB!
You don’t just say Thanks Brandon!
You say Thanks a Pantsload You Grinning Imbecile!
I live near a few State Parks, we take a daily walk around one of them. Always packed in the summer, and for holidays. Only 5 campsites left, group camp which accommodates large groups of people, has at least 10 campsites and only 1 has been reserved. What we have noticed are a lot of out-of-state cars here. I thought people hated California–they went camping even during the pandemic….gas a cheaper then, and so was the price of goods. Were in uncharted waters right now, I think hitting an iceberg is next.
How is it that only 52% disapproved of Brandon’s job performance and only 49% think economy is the top problem?
What the hell is wrong with the rest of the idiots ?
This dimwit in diapers and his handlers are destroying this country.
We better hope the Republicans manage to win hugely in November. But then you can’t trust them either
That sounds like a skewed poll.
It’s not like only half the country is affected by the ridiculous costs of everything.
Last I read FJB’s approval rating was hovering around 30%. The survey team must have a telephone number list of morons.
Anything you say, eyeroll, jeez
Price of gas at marinas is through the roof. 90 octane, no ethanol. They’ve got you across a barrel unless you want to haul your own gas.
All them fly-over or take-off planes you may hear in your nabes since this past week are not vacationers. Many are cancelled flights, via Joe Biden’s orders, to fly illegals all over the nation. The other cancelled flights are multitudes of Americans who simply can’t afford to vacation in FJB’s America.