Black Staffers Fleeing Biden White House in Droves – IOTW Report

Black Staffers Fleeing Biden White House in Droves

It turns out Joe “You ain’t black” Biden isn’t treating his black staffers well. Shocker.

14 Comments on Black Staffers Fleeing Biden White House in Droves

  1. “… Black staff have been promoted at a higher rate than staff who are not diverse.”

    How can an individual staffer be “diverse?”
    If she means that negroes are promoted over non-negroes, she should just say so.
    That still doesn’t explain why negroes are abandoning the Biden ship of state.

    House niggahs always looked down on field niggahs.

    I’m so sick of these lying, weasel-wording, fucking maggots.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Well what do black people expect out of someone who calls them nigger. I thought that word was reserved only for blacks calling each other nigger. A leopard cannot change its spots.

    0:02 / 2:32

    WATCH: Joe Biden Just Said the N-Word! | Louder With Crowder

    Video of Joe Biden saying the ‘N-word’ resurfaces after White House releases statement on Joe Rogan-Spotify controversy

  3. “..and Black staff have been promoted at a higher rate than staff who are not diverse.”

    Breathtaking, isn’t she? She actually said the quiet part from the podium of the official WH press office. No further interpretation or explanation is necessary.

  4. “It turns out Joe “You ain’t black” Biden isn’t treating his black staffers well.”

    ..and why should he?

    First, he’s a racist. Always has been, always will be. The entire Democrat party survives mostly on race hatred, which is why they foster it. Racial harmony = unemployed politicians.

    Second, he knows damn well they’ll vote Democrat no matter what. Not sure how that got so ingrained in Black people, but it was true when I was a poll worker in the ’80s, and EXTRA true NOW.

    There is literally NOTHING Democrats could do TO Black people that would cause the majority of them to vote otherwise. Democrats are actually harder on runaway slaves then anyone else, and there’s plenty of Black volunteer overseers in the Black community to make sure that NEVER changes.

    Ask Condelezza Rice, Clarence Thomas, Candice Owens, et. al., as milder examples of how THAT works.

    Of course Dominion adds a layer.

    Now they can simply flip 110% of the vote in any Black precinct to Democrat, and no one would DARE question it.

    Lest they be called rayyciss themselves…

  5. They were hired because they’re black and they’re being passed over for promotion because they’re black. Biden wants to talk diversification but never wants to walk it because he’s a racist at heart.

  6. Does this exclude former Kamala staff members, because she’s been losing aids at an alarming rate?

    I imagine a number of these people will now either be hired by some tony leftist law firm or lofty think tank or ivy league school to swell their ranks of the diverse or go back to their wrecked democrat stronghold and immediately leap into political office now that they’ve stamped their progressive passport with “WH staffer” certification.


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