American Confidence in the Economy Drops to Lowest Level Since 2009 – IOTW Report

American Confidence in the Economy Drops to Lowest Level Since 2009

CTH: Joe Biden is not running this economy.  Joe Biden’s economic advisors are not running this economy.  Joe Biden’s cabinet members are not running the economy. The people running this economy are the climate change activists behind the scenes who have been elevated into positions in all economic cabinet offices throughout the administration.  This was the deal in 2020 that led to Biden’s installation. more

10 Comments on American Confidence in the Economy Drops to Lowest Level Since 2009

  1. Biden, Dr. Biden, Milley, Blinky, Fauci and all the other WH staff clowns are 100% responsible for their treason. It’s not lowlife, punk activists and butt sniffers that are running the show. Judgement day cometh… Suck it up, buttercups, you will hang together.

  2. @Joe Btfsplk June 1, 2022 at 10:12 am

    > Judgement day cometh… Suck it up, buttercups, you will hang together.

    But not “hang-hang”. Because the people that would hang them (if they were out of bullets), are icky.

    If you want to change the crash path, you need to start (literally) slapping the faces of those that bad mouth, those that will do the work, that’s too icky, for princesses.

  3. Thanks, “Shitpants, Potatohead, SleepyJoe, PedoJoe, Brandon, the Biggest Loser.” LOL.


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  4. Biden is not to blame. He is a victim of elder abuse, a willing, even enthusiastic participant but still a victim. The American left and the democrat party are primarily to blame, with the leftist republicans and independents to be added to the pile.

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