The Federal Government Admits: Voting Machines Can Be Hacked! – IOTW Report

The Federal Government Admits: Voting Machines Can Be Hacked!

Emerald Robinson:
President Trump blasted out my Substack article “Something Stinks in Georgia” (120,000 page views and climbing!) to his followers on TruthSocial yesterday — and it sent Biden’s unpaid staff in the media into a frenzy. Discredited media outlets for beta-males and aging hippies like Rolling Stone, The Daily Beast, CNN, MSDNC, Newsweek, and Politico all published articles in a foolish attempt to dismiss my piece.

They tried to do the same thing on Twitter. The smallest Australian export to America since the koala bear, Axios’ Jonathan Swan even retweeted Trump’s post with a snide remark. Swan is mostly known for spending his time at the Bombay Club (one block north of the White House) plying the reprehensible Alyssa Farah with cocktails in exchange for gossip about the Trump Administration. Among journalists, Swan is even more famous for being dumb enough to marry Betsy Woodruff, whose semi-regular and totally unhinged appearances on MSDNC from her kitchen remind me of those paid advertisements for some new medication to treat paranoid schizophrenia. more

9 Comments on The Federal Government Admits: Voting Machines Can Be Hacked!

  1. Emerald, Tucker, Lara Logan and James O’Keefe: the three best reporters (REPORTERS not ‘journalists’) working. We need ‘journalists’ like we need hemmorids.

  2. About the time when all this was first coming out I read an article where the author stated that you would have to catch any hacking on these machines in real time, They had notified the DHS(Trump made voting critical infrastructure)and they issued a warning or directive that the machines could not go online because of this vulnerability. I went to the DHS website and found it. Recently I tried to find it but was unsuccessful. Doesn’t mean that its gone, just that I couldn’t find it this time

  3. When I voted the other day I noticed the Dominion counting machines. I made the comment to the voting official “Dominion, this is another hacked election”. The dude rolled his eyes but did not say anything. Once the votes were tallied Kemp getting 70% of the vote when all of the pre election polling had him at 34%. I don’t remember the numbers on Rafenburger but his pre election polling was in the teens and he won? BS! It was another stolen election in GA.

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