George HW Biden – IOTW Report

George HW Biden

Patriot Retort

Unless you’re my age or older, you probably don’t remember when George HW Bush ran for reelection in 1992.

Who can blame you if you don’t remember? It was 30 years ago.

George HW Bush, like our current first-term president, was a former Vice President who spent a large segment of his life in Washington DC.

And like our current president, George HW Bush wasn’t exactly known for having his finger on the pulse of the electorate.

After a New Hampshire town hall in 1992, President Bush discussed with the press how he thought it went. He summed up his performance by saying, “Message: I care.”

Listen, if you have to tell us “Message: I care,” chances are, you don’t care.

Bush’s “Message: I care” was as inauthentic as Bill Clinton’s “I feel your pain.” MORE

13 Comments on George HW Biden

  1. I am one of those the Bush Clan has hated since VOO DOO ECONOMICS! I participated in the crushing of GGHWB in’79 and ’80. In’79, bucaus all Bush are lefties, he called Rony a “…xenphobic, white nationalist…”!

    In ’88 he swore on a Bible he’d had an epiphany and Ronny was not White nationalist. A LIE! the worst mistake i ever made was believing him and voting for him in ’88!
    His very first act as President – WITH RONNY SITTING RIGHT BEHIND HIM- was to attack Ronny by attacking the country Ronny loved. Every time Bush denigrated America loving Americans ronny flinched like he’d been kicked in the nuts!
    To see for yourself how an American President tells the world he is ashamed to be American – DuckDuck “Kinder Gentler 1989”. videos.

    For emphasis!

    I never again voted for a Ronny hating Bush!

  2. DUBYA was a RINO thru and thru

    The only reason he was elected was
    he was the LESSER of two evils

    Does anyone want to think of an Al Gore presidency?

    Ditto a Heinz-Kerry presidency?

    Dubya was less than desirable (RINO)
    and even insufficient
    but what was the alternative

    Another Harry Truman or Jimmy Carter ?

  3. Born with a gold spoon in his mouth, ushered on through elite schools and family contacts to a career politician. George HW never understood the needs of Americans.
    Nor did his son, who benefitted by the family money and contacts to gain political office.
    Thank God Jeb’s incompetence negated the money and contacts that worked previously with his dad and brother.
    As soon as I heard “Read my Lips” I knew we would be bent over. And it happened to the surprise of lower to middle class republicans.

  4. I read somewhere that HW pulled a Biden Tellyprompter stunt with that “Message: I Care”. Allegedly, he was only supposed to say “I Care”, and the word “Message” was just a prompt, but the hapless doofus either forgot or didn’t know. I don’t know if that’s an urban legend, but it rings true.

  5. For crapping in front of the Pope, Biden gets the inaugural Amber Heard Trophy for best crap of the year.

    The year’s most important crap will be voted on by a committee consisting of NY Times and CNN “journalists”, who are so familiar with the subject.

  6. The idiot hated broccoli and didn’t know what a bar code scanner was. If it hadn’t been for Ross Perot, infamously called by Rush, “The hand grenade with a bad haircut”, Clinton wouldn’t have become President. All Slick Willie would’ve been was a third rate governor from Arkansas with a harridan as a wife. But he would still have been a rapist picking up trailer trash floozies by dangling a few bucks in front of them. Draft dodgers like billy jeff do not make good Presidents ever and that goes for biden as well. The night slick became President I had a major expletive loaded cathartic attack in front of my whole family, I was so pissed off, I couldn’t believe we had elected a loser like him as our leader. I did apologize to my family after I lost it. And since than I don’t watch election night news coverage and keep my mouth shut which is hard to do after barry and now worse joey the retard became Presidunce.


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