Thousands of European Elites Caught With Forged COVID Vax Certificates – IOTW Report

Thousands of European Elites Caught With Forged COVID Vax Certificates

EnVolve: Thousands of Celebrities And Elites Caught FAKING Their COVID Vaccine Status With Forged Vax Certificates As They Berated The Public For Not Getting Jabbed.

Thousands of European celebrities and elites have been exposed for buying fraudulently Covid-19 vaccine certificates rather than getting the actual vaccine.

Remember, these are the same people who have been yelling at us normal people to do the ‘right thing’ and get vaxxed.

The stunning bust by Spanish police confirms what many people have long suspected — while the elites sing from the pro-Big Pharma hymn sheet and encourage the masses to vaccinate, when it comes to their own health they quietly choose to reject the vaccine.

Amongst those that are being investigated for fraudulently obtaining vaccine certificates are leading European singers, musicians, football stars, business people, politicians and Big Pharma executives. more

15 Comments on Thousands of European Elites Caught With Forged COVID Vax Certificates

  1. Hypocritical “Celebrities” and “Elites?”
    Say it ain’t so!

    “Hypocrisy is a tribute that vice pays to virtue.”
    Hypocrisy is a lie lived.

    They need to die.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. @Time – FJB: I think this would work: (1493-1570 – Bubonic Plague) The doctor was tied up and placed in the good hands of competent “craftsmen.” They tried to get as much information from him as possible. However, the execution lasted several days. The ingenious hippocrats were tied to poles on wagons and carried around the city. At each intersection the executioners used red-hot tongs to tear off pieces of meat. They were then taken to the public square, beheaded and quartered, and the pieces were taken to all the districts of Geneva.

  3. Now tell me the jabs that Biden, Fauci, Trump(?), got were legit too.

    We know they’re lying hypocrites, they know we know and we know that that they know that we know they’re scummy liars.

    And they don’t care. In fact, I have to wonder why they even bother the facade at all.

    There’s only one solution and “taking back the House” ain’t it.

  4. So? The “elites” have phony Jabb “passports”. Without getting the Jabbed & Boosted. Does this surprise me? Not in the least.
    No more then I would do in order to keep my job & be able to mix in “society”. BUT!!………
    I’m not, at the same time, telling everyone else to get Jabbed & Boosted while I’m not.
    There’s the difference.
    They should have a large green teardrop tattooed just above their nose, between their eyebrows, to signify that such marked persons are “pureblood”. Difficult to cover/hide.
    And depending on your POV, that mark may be a good thing. Or a bad thing.
    (we report. you decide)

  5. Their jets spew out carbon, but no car for me,
    They live on the coast of the rising sea
    From soirees to summits they flit and they glide
    While death jabs and masks are my ticket to ride
    Their pantries are stuffed with the best, yet they try
    To shame me to death for the food that I buy
    The rules that they make are for me and for you
    And have no hold at all on the fortunate few
    So when they’re caught out as complete hypocrites
    They’ll gently explain to us, “Who gives a shit?”
    They’ll pay a small fine or donate to a cause
    And then go right back to breaking their laws.

  6. A cheap, low cost document printed on card stock paper with various types, standard fonts, no encoding, no photo ID, no signature, no SSN, no seal stamp and piles of do it yourself tips on the internet who would have guessed voting ballots and our so called “vaccine” cards would be so simple to reproduce and pass off as real?? Does anyone with a brain think politicians and elites actually took the ??vacine??.

  7. We do know some politicians have taken the vaccine – look at all the democrats dropping of strokes and heart attacks in their 50s. I think a lot of so called elites believed the big lie and got these shots. Look at all the celebrity carnage. It has been a big IQ test and they don’t care who they take out. Interesting timing to go after those that forged a card when it is has been proven 100 times over these shots are not safe, don’t stop transmission, are not effective, and everyone that claims to have gotten them gets covid not just once, often repeatedly.

  8. Well, they must be effective I saw a billboard with a happy looking family saying so?
    But they won’t show is the unhappy families that have had someone injured or killed.

  9. Mass motherfucking murder. They think we won’t notice because the deaths will be years down the road. People with nothing left to lose should make it their mission in life to get payback on these ruling class garbage humans.

  10. HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!! It’s not like we didn’t already know this, but it’s nice to have confirmation. The “vaccine” injury and death rate for the top tier entertainers and statesmen seemed a little too thin to be legit, which tells me that none of them actually took this shit.


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