Biden Admin Will Pull Meal Funding for Schools That Don’t Comply With Its LGBT Agenda – IOTW Report

Biden Admin Will Pull Meal Funding for Schools That Don’t Comply With Its LGBT Agenda


The Biden administration is requiring schools to comply with its LGBT policies or lose billions in federal funding for school lunches.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food and Nutrition Service announced in May it will prevent low-income students from participating in its National School Lunch Program if their public school does not adopt the administration’s interpretation of Title IX, which holds that the federal civil rights law’s provision against discrimination based on sex includes designations of sexual orientation and gender identity. The move was originally reported by The Center Square.

A spokeswoman for Florida governor Ron DeSantis (R.) said the Biden administration’s decision to “withhold food from disadvantaged children in order to advance a deranged political agenda” was “appalling.”

“We will not allow Biden to force Floridians to choose between children’s food and parents’ rights,” DeSantis’s press secretary Christina Pushaw told the Washington Free Beacon. “That is the kind of ‘decision’ that a totalitarian regime would force upon its citizenry.” read more

44 Comments on Biden Admin Will Pull Meal Funding for Schools That Don’t Comply With Its LGBT Agenda

  1. manbearpig
    JUNE 2, 2022 AT 11:01 PM
    “He’s trying to starve our children (from the democrat playbook of the 1990’s).”

    …starvation as a political weapon is from the Communist playbook of the entire last century.

  2. Threatening the starvation of our younger American citizens. Gotcha, Joe. I personally hope that when the shit goes tits up, you and your ilk are physically torn apart, limb from limb, by the masses and left to rot in the streets. You vile sack of shit. 🖕

  3. playing the Devil’s Advocate … maybe schools shouldn’t be in the business of feeding children at all

    isn’t part of the job of parenting to ensure their children are properly fed … not the government’s?

    … I mean, how many school lunches did anyone actually look forward too? name one! well, maybe the ‘spaghetti’ … noodles, watered-down ketchup, minced mystery meat & garlic bread … yum!

    (we used to flick the butter patties on the clock on the wall w/ our butter knives)

  4. When I was in school only about 3 little scumbags were on the gubment dole. Lonnie Broom. James Long. And some other scumbag called Mackall. I don’t remember Mackall’s first name. But I remember he lived hard-by the school and his grandmother beat him every day because he was a scumbag.

    Lonnie used to shout, “Jockitch! Ringworm!”

    James used to shout, “BAU! Now how your face feel? King Kong Bundy’s wife! Doan buss mah speakers!”

    That other fucking retard dressed like Prince… formerly known as some untalented shitbomb… and he was fucking evil.

  5. I know I’m going to try to explain this imperfectly, but here goes:
    Is there a way that the Red States can nullify part of the FedGov income taxes?
    We, the working citizens, pay income taxes; FedGov, state and local.
    Part of those FedGov income taxes goes to the (unConstitutional) Dept of Education; who in turn lumps all that money together and then re-apportions it back to the states (usually the states get back less then their citizens paid in). And it ALWAYS comes with strings attached.
    Do you think that there might be a way for the state to say, “We’ve done some figuring. We’re going to increase the state taxes by x-y-z amount (percentage or dollar figure). At the same time, we’re authorizing you to reduce your FedGov income tax payment by the same amount. What we’re doing, is we’re cutting out the FedGov middleman for our education system dollars. Starving the Beast”.

    A guy can dream.

  6. In my day it was paper sacks made by Mom. We ate pizza day twice paying 75 cents, and got sick as shit.

    I love pizza. But that was too much.

  7. Brad

    when I was in elementary, we brought our brown bags or the latest spiffy lunch box (w/ matching thermos) & in jr. high paid 35 cent for the school lunch (or brown bagged) … milk was 2 cent in elementary, 5 cent in jr. high


    I’m 66. As I remember the only thing the elementary school supplied was milk. And it was two bits. That was SoCal. Back then, all conservative. I remember going to a Goldwater event with my parents. Probably because they couldn’t find a brat sitter on short notice. The place was packed and rowdy as I remember.

  9. Brad

    gotta few just a few, lol) years on ya. all my family was D’rats except my fraternal granddad. they all believed in the FDR bullshit, ‘cept my great-granddad, who lost his farm to the New Deal when they claimed eminent domain on it to build Greenbelt, MD. & kicked him off his land.

    love of family was so important back in the day … now, we all hate our parents because they didn’t allow us to be the sex we weren’t … smh

  10. Took a lunch to school most days in elementary school, packed by my stay-at-home mom. School lunch had Pizza Day on Wednesdays. I think it was .55 cents for a school lunch then. Loved that stuff. One day while going through the line I looked back in the kitchen and saw a large metal pizza sauce can with a paint brush in it, and a bunch of slices of white bread on a baking sheet. I was kind of disappointed when I realized what the “pizza” really was, but the end result was pizza enough for me. Milk was .07 cents and you could get ice cream for .25 cents.

    Also, we said The Pledge to the Flag every morning and weren’t taught to hate our country and to love queers.

  11. I work in a small multi-family apt complex.

    This week, a couple of long time resident dependent kids came in to get some candy and chat.

    My boss who’s not at the site often, said she knew the younger child, but did not know the older one, “Who are you?”

    They both looked at her like she lost her mind and said, ‘Bill’. Boss asked which apt she lived in and the younger said, “She used to be ‘Susan’, don’t you remember my sister?”

    I said she got her hair cut, to my boss.

    ‘Bill’s’ sister said she wants to be a boy, so we call her Bill.

    I asked Bill if she was more comfortable as a boy and the poor kid said, “I’m so confused, I just don’t know”.


    This child, going through one of the most difficult times in a lifetime, puberty, should NOT BE FORCE FED GENDER DYSTOPIA! I’d home teach in a second.

    Federal education needs to be stopped! Thomas Massie has the right idea.

  12. This type of withholding (food) from blacks and other minorities who are also low-income is highly typical of the known WHITE SUPREMACIST KU KLUX KLAN ASSOCIATE JOE BIDEN. Where’s the NAACP and BLM to speak on this black-waterfountain-only shyyyt issued by the race-hating JOE BIDEN??

  13. Crap like this is why the 17th. Ammendment was such a horrible idea. It basically disenfranchised all of the state governments. Instead of the states telling the feds what they could and couldn’t do, now it’s exactly the other way around.

  14. We generally packed our own lunches in grade school, one of my 3 younger brothers had sardines (my dad loved sardines and so do I) for lunch once and got into trouble at lunch because he dangled one of the sardines in front of a girl at lunch time and had to go see the Principal after that. In Junior HS since we only lived a block or two away from the school so we could walk home for lunch. My wife’s family with 9 kids lived on baloney sandwiches with mayo for lunches, I still remember seeing my mother in law pack lunches for all my wife’s younger brothers. I saw garlic baloney at a local meat market yesterday for $0.88, I passed but did buy some thuringer which I love using in making cold cut sandwiches. Our local meat old time meat market is one of the only places in town that still sells thuringer as well as Amish sweet bologna which is extremely good in sandwiches.

  15. The rural elementary schools I attended made all their lunches from scratch, including the bread/rolls. The three lunch ladies were fabulous cooks. Whenever stewed tomatoes were on the menu, I’d clear off my compartmented tray (remember those with the spaces for everything?), and go back for “seconds”. The cook would fill every compartment with those lovely tomatoes. I wish I had that recipe! We were well fed with real food. When our daughter started school, I was appalled at her first school lunch and she took a home-made lunch after that.

  16. Good opportunity to get out from under the thumb of the tyrants.
    Tell em to pound sand – Eat Shit and Die.
    The worthless fucking parents should be feeding their whelps, not the taxpayers.

    The maggots DRIVE to the free food distribution in this county!
    (all lily-white mutherfukkers)
    Gas is $4.29 per gallon. They can afford beer and cigarettes, but no food for their whelps. BULLSHIT.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  17. ” They can afford beer and cigarettes, but no food for their whelps. BULLSHIT.”

    You forgot multiple piercings, pink/purple/blue dyed hair and MULTIPLE tattoos. Oops, ‘body art’.

    Most people feathered their next at the bottom of the latrine, imho. (iow, no sympathy from me)

  18. If you’re still sending your kids to public schools for indoctrination and abuse, you kind of get what you deserve. But the kids don’t. Get them out of those places…

  19. Vetmike
    JUNE 3, 2022 AT 11:12 AM
    “Murder the unborn then starve to death those actually born. a more heinous plan would be hard to imagine.”

    …just give them a minute.

    There will be worse.

    Look at any Communist history.

    …there always is…

  20. I took my own lunch in grade school. Put pop in my thermos. Used to embarrass me when I opened it and it spewed. Lol. Had cheesecake from Woolworths sometimes.

  21. @grayjohn June 3, 2022 at 11:50 am

    > Any state that doesn’t Tell Biden to FOAD should leave the union.

    Ant state that doesn’t fed poast about what their citizens intend for Biden’s family, should remain in the union. Americans don’t want them.

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