Help! The (Pretend) President’s Fallen and Can’t Get Up! – IOTW Report

Help! The (Pretend) President’s Fallen and Can’t Get Up!

American Thinker:
By J.B. Shurk.

In as sure a sign of a disloyal White House staff as any, reports have leaked that Joe Biden is “rattled” by cratering public approval polls and is desperately “pressing aides for a more compelling message.”  (Remember, folks: only the fairytale “narrative” matters, not Biden’s real-world dumpster fire of a presidency.)  High-level staff have been leaving the White House in droves.  Biden’s chief of staff, Ron Klain, is reportedly planning to skedaddle soon after the midterms.  A massive exodus of black staffers is undermining morale.  Old Joe is so “frustrated” with his advisers’ regular “clean-up campaign” of his public comments that he has begun reprimanding them that it is he who is president.  Meanwhile, his handlers’ never-ending efforts to save their boss from his impaired brain and loose lips have given the White House’s propaganda machine the appearance of a veritable “clown show.”

I’ve been waiting for this freak-out — the moment when either a temporarily lucid Joe or his nurse-wife Jill finally comes to the realization that this administration is on a path to being remembered as the most incompetent, corrupt, or evil (or maybe all three) in American history.  At some point, the Bidens’ wounded pride was bound to clash with Barack Obama’s maneuverings to use “ah shucks” Joe as a stalking horse for “fundamentally transforming” America into a Marxist theocracy.  (When the priests of political correctness force people to betray their consciences in order to comply with the State’s dogma, then you’re living in a theocratic dictatorship.)

A lot of very smart, savvy people have pointed out that this has never actually been Dementia Joe’s presidency.  In exchange for giving him a spot to nap behind the Resolute Desk, Biden handed his administration over to the likes of Susan Rice, Elizabeth Warren, Jim Clyburn, and many of Obama’s other communist comrades in arms eager to usher in their precious New World Order, where the few will rule and the many will obey.  Astutely, the Marxist-socialists knew that the only way to implement their brand of totalitarianism was to put a decrepit Establishment figurehead in office to provide the appearance that the Old Guard had things under control, while the New Guard began their crackdown on free speech, freedom of movement, private property, digital privacy, self-defense, and just about anything else strictly protected from government tyranny by the Bill of Rights.   read more

17 Comments on Help! The (Pretend) President’s Fallen and Can’t Get Up!

  1. Is it possible that Joe thinks he’s a legitimate, duly-elected President? (Okay, with just a little election hanky panky? And some personal family financial gain (e.g. China, big Pharma, etc.). C’mon, man! We Democrats always do a little of that!)

    Maybe he doesn’t really grasp the extent of the national and international conspiracy that faked the election and put him in office. If true, only his dementia can explain why he hasn’t figured it out.

    Pudding at 10:00. Ice cream at 14:00. Make it happen.

  2. General Malaise

    My exact thoughts. And he’s just lucid enough to realize his staff thinks he’s a fing joke. Susan Rice will order an increase in Meds shortly. In a year or so they’ll take old Joe totally digital. He’ll be President Headroom. .

  3. …those who’ve been here awhile knew this was coming…

    A side note on the “Life Alert” reference.

    Funny, yes, BUT…

    …I actually went to a call where the dispatcher toned us out with “Medical Alert report of woman who’s fallen and can’t get up” with a little snicker in his voice, because those commercials were just getting big then. Yep, we all had a good yuk as we rolled out.

    Until we got there and found the 80 year old osteoporotic woman on the floor with who had tripped onto her linoleum kitchen floor and caught part of a wooden step stool on the way down, fracturing her pelvis and disarticulating her hip, so much so that the femoral head was actually visibly protruding against her skin from the inside, so her leg was at a crazy, useless angle relative to the rest of her body. She had some paralysis, but that didn’t do anything about the pelvic pain, although she was pretty screamed out by the time we got there and could only moan in foaming agony.

    …wasn’t so funny anymore after that.

    Those things are a Godsend. They’ve saved many lives.
    I got one for my own mother. I got one for my mother-in-law.
    And I’ve never laughed at them again.

    If you have a spouse with medical issues, a parent with medical issues, or have issues yourself that may manifest while you or your loved one is home alone and may risk not being discovered for some time, I would recommend one of these. Doesn’t have to be that brand, there are many and I would recommend you do your own regional research, but they do save lives and the terror of being disabled and alone and knowing no one will find you for a long time if you didn’t happen to pick your cell phone up before you fell down the stairs.

    This crap happens and its not fun.

    Protect yourself and your loved ones.

    End of PSA, thanks for reading…

  4. @Supernightshade: That’s what happened to my mother – she was 98 and passed away from the broken bones. Doctor called me at 12:30 am the night she fell, and he told me that my mother needed a hip replacement. I was not nice to him and I dropped a few “F” bombs on him. The jerk called me back 20 minutes later and said that they could remove the femur bones and let the muscle grow over where the femur was. He’s got my scathing remarks on his website. Just another A-hole to add to my list of many. My mother died broken, but she was all in one piece.

  5. Shitpants Potatohead (never was my President) will never recover:

    by his deliberate actions, oil is ~$120/bbl and climbing,

    and thus, the chucklehead has tripled Putin’s cash reserves and now he and the Uropeons are sabotaging their own embargo.


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