Hunter Biden’s Ex: ‘Living with Him Was So Much Worse Than I Could Have Imagined’ – IOTW Report

Hunter Biden’s Ex: ‘Living with Him Was So Much Worse Than I Could Have Imagined’

Hunter Biden’s ex-wife has revealed the true horror of living with the president’s son.

Neon Nettle: On June 14, Kathleen Buhle is releasing “If We Break: A Memoir of Marriage, Addiction, and Healing,” a tell-all book about the sordid details of her life with Hunter.

People magazine reported sympathetically on Buhle’s book in an article published Wednesday, describing it as both “dignified and revealing.”

In excerpts published by People, Buhle, now 53, presented herself as a working-class kid swept off her feet by a privileged suitor while they were both in their 20s (Hunter is now 52).

The couple wed in 1993, and had three daughters during their 24-year marriage. Even early on, there were signs of Hunter Biden’s shady business dealings. Buhle admitted in the excerpts, “I worried that we lived above our means, but I did nothing to change it.” MORE

6 Comments on Hunter Biden’s Ex: ‘Living with Him Was So Much Worse Than I Could Have Imagined’

  1. Look, I don’t like him either and am quite sure he’s a privileged, egocentric perverted wife abuser just ’cause he’s a Biden, but asking the divorcee what she thinks of her ex?


    …I think there’s a LOT of guys who are going to take what an ex says with a grain of salt no matter WHO the guy is, they’re not exactly impartial…

  2. Well something tells me she’s little more than a gold digger who thought she had struck the muther-load when she married into the Biden Crime Family, but discovered that she could not stand the stench of that filthy, narcissistic, self-absorbed pervert (and her dirty, leering father-n-law) so she cashed out…

    aaaaannnd will continue to cash in on these sordid stories for decades.

  3. Now her vision is 20-20. All of a sudden “Hunter is a bad dude”. Translation, he’s behind on his child support, her house needs repairs or she’s broke. Not feeling too sorry for her.

  4. It is hard for me to buy into the volunteer come victim shtick, particularly when it is coming from any hanger on to a fucking politician. More often than not the motivation is related to loss of proximity to power.


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