Uvalde Mom Angeli Gomez Describes Rescuing Her Children While Police Did Nothing – IOTW Report

Uvalde Mom Angeli Gomez Describes Rescuing Her Children While Police Did Nothing

CTH: An incredible testimonial from Angeli Gomez as she describes running into the school in Uvalde Texas to rescue her two sons while the police did nothing.

This incredible young mom deserves praise for her ferocious protective instincts, and refusal to stand around while her children were at risk.  CBS News Correspondent Lilia Luciano spoke exclusively with Gomez about the moments she spent inside the school, and why Gomez says police warned her to stop telling her story.  WATCH:

34 Comments on Uvalde Mom Angeli Gomez Describes Rescuing Her Children While Police Did Nothing

  1. …I’m not a police officer but I have seen grown, trained men become paralyzed with fear and indecision in extreme emergency situations that they simply were unable to process. Some people run towards emergencies, some run away, we all have different abilities because we all have different purposes, and sometimes we don’t know what those are till we test them.

    At such times it becomes the obligation of the person who can act to push the person who can’t out of the way.

    God blessed this woman with the ability to act effectively, the instincts to protect her children, and the guts to do it over the objections of big, strong, cowardly men.

    One does not deny the gifts of God.

  2. I admire her bravery, tenacity and drive. Not one characteristic displayed by law enforcement.

    The lives of the children killed lay squarely upon the shoulders of those who arrived at the school during the first shooting and stood idly by for far too long.

    In the military, when the excrement hits the fan, you act.
    If you don’t, people get killed and you get labeled as a coward and transferred out of the unit before others die.

    That’s why they call them law enforcement, they enforce the law “after” the fact. They excel at writing tickets, investigations and filing reports. Not everyone has the metal to face a life threatening situation head on.

    Those who stood by need to re-evaluate their career path, maybe they are better suited as street crossing guard.

  3. No one knows who in the general public will step up in these situations, to some it’s innate while others cower, hence professionals train for such circumstances to mitigate instinct and run towards the threat. Exercising OODA Loop tactics, a guy comes into a diner brandishing a weapon…RUN TOWARDS him without hesitation. Might get hurt but so what.

    This woman did her best she-bear. Instinct, built into the DNA by God. She is told to be quiet because this was an Op to distract from Brandon failing miserably. Where did this kid get these weapons? Or the new F250,? Or the cash to pay for it all? When the facts change daily, the matter starts to stink royally.

  4. My late brother in law was a cop for over 30 years. I once asked him as a joke if he fought any crimes that day. He said cops are not crime fighters, they are armed stenographers that document crimes for future generations to read about

  5. If you were a parent and the police tried to stop you from saving your child, WHILE THEY WOULD NOT, wouldn’t you be justified in shooting LEO to get past them as an impediment, so that you could save your child??

  6. …and then CBS follows up her interview with “there were too cops in there, she just didn’t see them, so she needs to believe us and not her lying eyes.

    Bastards. Shills to the end.

  7. And that’s a truly engaged parent to know what classrooms at what times her 2 kids are in.

    Many parents wouldn’t be able to name what building their kids in.

    God bless her.

    And she was detained by a Federal Marshall?

    …funny, I don’t recall seeing a Federal Marshall around MY schol as a kid, or MY kid’s school, or really within 100 miles of it.

    Weird that one was there just in time for a politically convenient shooting, which is a State and not a Federal matter tho, nicht wahr?

    …almost like it was somehow planned for him to be there for…some reason…

  8. I saw a reporter interview a former Secret Service agent about the Uvalde incident. He complained that the border patrol agent who went in to stop the killer should have followed established protocol instead of barging in the way he did. He said protocol is everything in situations like this and that more training is needed to stress that to law enforcement personnel. I wish I could get my hands on that POS for two minutes.

  9. I still think the whole thing was a set up. Waited for the MSM to arrive.
    I still haven’t seen anything to explain how a broke teenager bought $8000 worth of weapons.
    I also see bullshit in the fact that the guy that ended it was off duty and criticized for “Not following protocol.
    Angeli Gomez will probably be the next CCP holder in Uvalde.
    When second count, the police are playing circle jerk for an hour.

  10. Ghost of Burner
    JUNE 5, 2022 AT 11:18 AM
    The MSM allowed that?”

    …only because she was a POC woman, and then only so they’d have an opportunity to try to discredit her.

    Had she been White, the Fed would have dropped her.

    Then claim she called him a nigger.

    MSN would have lapped it up, a GoFundMe for the poor Federal PO would have been started, he would have done talk shows about the pain of racism, and been given the Congressional Medal of Freedom for stopping that dastardly White Supremacist woman from interfering with a vital Federal operation.

    …so, too bad she wasn’t White, from their point of view.

    Or they could have used a hi power 9 mil to blow her lungs clean out of her body.

    …maybe next time they’ll arrange for one.

    …and make no mistake, there WILL be a next time.

    They’re probably planning it as we speak…

  11. I’ve posted this before. I was at a county rodeo and a bull jumped the rail and was in the stands. It happened right when I was returning from the restroom or snack shack and I had the best seat in the house to watch it all go down. Every able bodied man, and some not so able bodied and teenage boy in the stands rushed the bull and the women grabbed the kids and were headed for the tall grass.

    How this was handled is beyond a scandal and a disgrace. If the individuals in charge of this clusterfuck had a shred of dignity they would admit they deserve nothing but contempt and would be ashamed to ever show their face in public the rest of their lives. They won’t do that, they haven’t even a clue what honor means to a real man.

  12. The people commenting in the DM get it: “He’s not going to be punished he did exactly what the gun control crowd wanted create a situation where they could push there agenda.”

  13. WTF??
    JUNE 5, 2022 AT 12:56 PM
    “PoPo’s reportedly threatened the mother with repercussion for the mother having OBSTRUCED JUSTICE !!!!!”

    …I think it would be a TON of fun to get into open court and a bunch of microphones and discuss in exacting detail precisely what kind of ‘justice’ she was ‘obstructing’.

    The discovery ALONE would make the game worth the candle, find out who was REALLY calling the shots, why such a keen and immediate Federal presence and interest in a State crime, who paid for the Wendy’s employee’s very expensive weapons and kit, why 911 wasn’t talking to the incident commander (even in the ’80s we could do THAT), Why Uvalde PD wasn’t following ITS OWN VERY RECENT DOCUMENTED ACTIVE SHOOTER PROTOCOL, how this “mom” was able herself to walk in and out doors the cops couldn’t breach, who opened the door for the shooter in the FIRST place, where the police were for the DOZEN minutes the shooter was shooting OUTSIDE, the body cam footage of EVERY COP THEY CLAIMED WAS IN THE BUILDING WHEN THIS MOTHER SAW NONE, and much, MUCH more…

    …yep, sure would be fun to watch the UPD or, better, the Feds TRY to prosecute this HISPANIC Mother for DARING TO SAVE HER CHILDREN’S LIVES AGAINST FEDERAL ORDERS.

    …which is PRECISELY why it ain’t gonna happen.

  14. Chumlee
    JUNE 5, 2022 AT 12:13 PM
    “Cops apparently too stupid to understand parents that would risk their own lives for their children.”

    …cops and firefighters are SUPPOSED to risk THEIR lives for other people’s children.


    If you, the local, State, or Federal cop can’t do it, go clean up dog shit in the park for a living instead.

    Because that’s a WHOLE lot of shit you’re shoveling right NOW to cover up the cowardice that makes you unworthy of your badge and your Oath before God.

  15. @ SNS JUNE 5, 2022 AT 1:22 PM

    I’d say that there is about as much chance of this as the pedophiles in DC releasing the names of their like minded buddies who are named in the Epstein case.

  16. There is a glaring issue that doesn’t seem to be addressed in this situation. The police and politicians in this area of Texas, might be compromised by the Mexican cartels who are in the pockets of the Xiden Administration. This may explain the weak police response. Xiden’s Feds need another gun crisis. A crisis which can’t go to waste. In addition, a cruel reminder Latinos are also under the thumb of the Marxist oligarchy in control. They are political patsies of the left.

    Consequently, it should be noted that a large number of residents in these predominantly Latino border towns are illegals- first, second and probably third generations.
    There in lies the rub. People who criminally entering the United States have no sworn allegiance to this country – no matter how patriotic or “Amercanized” they appear. If the local police department in Uvalde have nothing but individuals with no real loyalty to the United States, influenced by corruption and then trained poorly to choose from, it should be easy to see how the tragedy in Uvalde was orchestrated.

  17. Fact: Federal Marshalls are among the stupidest, most incompetent, corrupt, lazy, tyrannical pieces of sub-human scum on the face of the Earth. They are Uncle Sam’s brown shirts.

  18. Monday morning quarterbacking BS – You’d have to put their shoes on. I’m sure they had thoughts of it going big bad and that our MSM would beat them up no matter which way it went. MSM will never learn when to shut the hell up and butt out. MSM is a big part of why this situation froze up and they sat back waiting. The Mama Bear lady didn’t have anything to lose but her children.

  19. Dr. Hambone
    JUNE 5, 2022 AT 3:08 PM
    “Fact: Federal Marshalls are among the stupidest, most incompetent, corrupt, lazy, tyrannical pieces of sub-human scum on the face of the Earth. They are Uncle Sam’s brown shirts.”

    …but, but, Matt Dillon!

  20. Might be compromised? Absolutely,Republican right-wing zingers without brains, which way did they go, I’m scared,biglytime, just shit myself but 1st I peed myself. Need new panties!

  21. Uvalde Law Enforcement certainly lacks masculine toxicity. I’m wondering where all the ccw’s were? Maybe a couple old ladies with a sling shot. Hard to believe this is Texas. Bottom line, when LE won’t do their job, and then attempt to prevent you from trying to save your child, they have now become part of the problem. The enemy. I notice they have a Tesla Patrol Car though so at least they’re green.

  22. When the tower shooter at the University of Texas was sniping at people in 1964, dozens of Texan men got their deer rifles from their vehicles and returned fire, pinning him down until a cop rushed in on him and killed him.

  23. Just as other mass killings, this was installed by all-roads-lead-to democrats as a false-flag operation and especially before an NRA convention as others have been. Obvious was the fact that police did nothing but stand around stupidly, then chastised the mother for attempting to rescue her children, later handcuffing her for attemtping to rescue her children, then warning her not to tell her story. Following the kill-trails will lead right to the doorstep of the democrat party and co-conspirators such as the obese Liz Cheney, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Kathy Hochul, Michael Bloomberg and numerous other fiends. Add the glaring fact that none of these people on BOTH sides of that insidious aisle never mention illegal gun trafficking and illegal guns used by assorted criminals to kill. Too much of a bye-bye profits if they confront the issue.

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