Biden linkage of school lunches to LGBTQ agenda holds low-income kids ‘hostage’: critics – IOTW Report

Biden linkage of school lunches to LGBTQ agenda holds low-income kids ‘hostage’: critics

Just The News –

The Biden administration’s controversial new mandate tying school lunch funds to the implementation of its transgender policies will primarily hurt low-income and minority students, according to experts and community activists.

“Holding the lunch money of low-income and underprivileged kids hostage in order to advance a woke gender orthodoxy shows precisely the lengths to which the president will go to ensure his pet policies on ‘gender identity’ are rammed through American lunchrooms, classrooms, bathrooms, dorm rooms, and sports teams,” said Sarah Parshall Perry, senior legal fellow at the Heritage Foundation.

Perry was referring to the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS), an agency within the Department of Agriculture (USDA), announcing last month that it will extend its interpretation of prohibitions on sex-based discrimination contained in Title IX to include discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. more

11 Comments on Biden linkage of school lunches to LGBTQ agenda holds low-income kids ‘hostage’: critics

  1. Get you Children out of the Social Justice Public School System Fast.
    If you agree with socialism/communism/BLM/Pedophilia/other perversions/division, by all means the public school system is for you.

  2. It is intended to eliminate charter, private and parochial schools, as well as rebellious districts and states (appropriately responding to the demands of it citizens), as an alternative for parents trying to protect their children from the horrendous policies and curriculum pushed by the Dept. of Education and teachers unions. It has nothing to do with protecting the disadvantaged. It is all about control.

    If a child or its parents don’t like the environment in the school, they should be able to transfer that child to one they feel provides a better environment. Ergo, if a child or its parents insist on a woke campus, they can choose a school with a woke campus. That is the foundation of school choice.

    The foundation of Common Core is the indoctrination/programming of all children, from birth through young adult. The priority is not academics. The priority is control, compliance, obedience through the restructuring of society and culture to create a socialist utopia filled with mindless automatons willing to serve their masters’ every whim — including sexual.

    There can be no alternatives to Common Core in education. This is what this is about. “No Child Left Behind” has become “No Child Shall Escape”.


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