Ukraine Fires Propagandist Who Spread Fake Russian War Crime Stories – IOTW Report

Ukraine Fires Propagandist Who Spread Fake Russian War Crime Stories

8 Comments on Ukraine Fires Propagandist Who Spread Fake Russian War Crime Stories

  1. I had not ever heard of Jimmy Dore before this morning but I can read zerohedge without his smarmy shtick….

  2. Can we send packing the disinformation czars here in the US who are telling us that inflation is transitory and beneficial? And that Putin’s actions are causing inflation in the US? And that the earth is dying and we need to abruptly stop oil production and necessarily have gas prices increases for the green transition? That 9mm caliber bullets can blow lungs out and turn people into dust?

  3. ^^^^…and that Russia is to blame for high oil prices when we bought only 3% of our oil from that country.

    Personally, I blame actions by our own govt and gas taxes for the high cost which has reached 10$/gallon in the SF Bay area.

  4. Propaganda = Lies

    Our government would screech to a halt if all liars were terminated. Pedo Joe would be the first to go, he’s made a 50 year career out of lying.

  5. Spent too much time in Western Europe, did she? I think we’ve found the true “Ghost of Kiev”. And I doubt she’ll be coming back to Kiev…if she ever was there at all. Spooky. Probably CIA.

  6. Lies, fake news stories & propaganda are your bread & butter, you guys would not survive long without it. Putin loves all your hard work to spread his agenda, he thanks Trump & all his followers for all your colusion comrades.

  7. God would’ve spared Sodom & Gomorrah if Lot could find 10 righteous people. Lot couldn’t produce any.

    How do you suppose the US Congress and the EU Parliament would fare at such a test ??!!


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