Rittenhouse to Former Vice President Biden: “I am alive today because I was able to protect myself.” – IOTW Report

Rittenhouse to Former Vice President Biden: “I am alive today because I was able to protect myself.”

Rittenhouse Shreds Biden with Viral Second Amendment Posts


Kyle Rittenhouse has shredded Democrat Joe Biden in viral social media posts advocating for Americans’ Second Amendment rights.

Rittenhouse posted two viral tweets pushing back on calls for so-called “common-sense” laws being promoted by Biden.

Biden and the Democrats have been aggressively pushing gun control measures in the wake of the tragic Uvalde, Texas, school shooting.

Rittenhouse fatally shot two rioters and injured a third while defending himself against armed attackers during Black Lives Matter riots in the summer of 2020.

The teen was facing life in prison with no chance at parole, but a jury found him not guilty.

“‘The right of people to keep and bear arms shall NOT be infringed,’ Joe,” Rittenhouse said via Twitter, quoting the U.S. Constitution.


29 Comments on Rittenhouse to Former Vice President Biden: “I am alive today because I was able to protect myself.”

  1. Kyle is in a bit of hot water because he has declared publicly that he will be attending Texas A&M University in the fall, but the school denies his enrollment.

    I hope Kyle eventually wins a ton of money over those media entities that defamed and slandered him because his life will be forever altered and he was clearly harmed. And although it’s great that he got Nick Sandmann’s lawyer, the two cases, the circumstances of their fame, are so different. Kyle is going to have a much harder time and quite possibly might not get anything at all.

  2. “Kyle only support is the hard right,rest of us say he is a LOSER. Will get nothing!”

    Put a pedophile and a wife beater (girlfriend, but they were together for several years) in the ground. Almost took out a felon (darn), but the arm pain will probably last that asshole the rest of his life (excellent). I say he did society a damn good favor.

  3. Brad, they act like noobs on Innertubes with their overtly insulting language and inability to address a topic. Like President Boom-Boom In His Pants, they’re a distraction.

  4. Longer than your “T” lovin rear bozo,but hey grab your panties there in a bigly wad of coofed monkey poo pox, ur schools need more high cal guns too! Help ah bruder out

  5. In related news: The Leftard talking heads are falling all over themselves, lining up to say they were wrong about Rittenhouse. The latest is Ana Kar-something-or-other of the Young Turks. Hilarious!!

    “Far-Left Young Turks Host Admits Anti-Kyle Rittenhouse Narrative Was False”


    Think they’re a little worried about getting their butts sued? hahaha! “For the record”, dear Ana, you should probably tell your employer to lawyer up. I don’t think a lame apology at this point is a good enough defense.

    And as for the “far right” being the only ones behind the Rittenhouse verdict: Anyone who isn’t has just outed themselves as a anti-constitution, commie butthead. No two ways about it. There are libraries full of books on how your Utopian, Marxist worldview plays out — in whatever iteration you can think up. If you’re at all literate, you might avail yourself of one or two of them. Just a suggestion. Oh, what am I saying? haahaha!

  6. Never try to run from crazy antifas in those square toed leather soled cowboy boots . Slip slidin away into some kinda back rolling shooting posture . I don’t attend riots as a rule . Rittenhouse will get hassled at any UNI he decides to attend , I’d make like Steve Miller and take the money and run , grow a beard , and marry a dumb blonde supermodel who likes shooting sports . I’d fade into obscurity . Just my thoughts.

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