Like the US, England is being buried under illegal aliens and economic migrants – IOTW Report

Like the US, England is being buried under illegal aliens and economic migrants

American Thinker:

By Andrea Widburg

With Biden in office, America’s southern border has vanished entirely. Illegal aliens crossed the border over 1.6 million times in 2021 and, this year, they’re going to break that record, given that they’re marching across the border at the rate of around 200,000 per month (a number that may increase if Biden gets rid of the Title 42 health restriction). Once here, if the illegal aliens are caught, the government feeds them, clothes them, gives them free baby formula (if they need it), and ships them across the country to wherever they want to go. But believe it or not, we’re the lucky ones. What’s happening in Europe and, especially, in England is infinitely worse.

Paul Joseph Watson has put together a video that uses the plight of one small village as its starting point to explain England’s invasion—something done with the government’s complicity. Linton-on-Ouse, in North Yorkshire, has about 700 residents. It’s just received word from the British home office that it will be receiving 1,500 North African migrants. That is, 1,500 foreign Muslims, most of them men. more

3 Comments on Like the US, England is being buried under illegal aliens and economic migrants

  1. City of Portland in need of a Sharia Compliance Police Force. Try outs will be held at City Hall during working hours, then move to County Government offices. Time for Muslims to earn their keep. No more slacking off collecting welfare. Make Portland Great Again. Oh, and FJB.

  2. Gen. Mills is bring them to Maine.
    At the grocery store today it was like watching video of Africa. Including the sloped forheaded guy. They are not here for work!
    The churches and non profits are facilitating an all out invasion. It’s treason.


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